Chapter 20: 20 Years Later

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Hey guys. If I kept on writing this series, it would just be a bunch of gym battles and the Pokémon League. It would be super boring, and no one would want to read it. I'm sorry guys, but I might end this series. I think I'm going to finish it off with a special chapter. I hope you guys will still read this story and continue to enjoy it, because I wrote this story so people could be happy. I'm really going to miss writing this, since it was really fun. Enjoy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~20 Years into the future...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your own daughter had just defeated you, the Pokémon World Champion. It had taken you years to beat every single Pokémon League. But instead of getting angry, you just handed her a single Pokéball with a baby Bagon inside.

"Here you go, Cass." You said, as she opened up the ball. She cradled the small creature in her arms. "I know he might not seem very important to you, but I used to have one of those when I was your age. These guys are becoming endangered, so he's very special." She stroked the baby dragon's head and whispered, "Thank you."

Your son was also very successful, and he was training to become a Pokémon professor. He had Colress' beautiful golden eyes, and your hair color.

After you had lost to your own daughter, you just wanted to go home. You curled up on the couch with Colress and looked into his mystical, otherworldly eyes. He kissed you, and whispered into your ear,

"I still love you, and I always will."

Love: The Perfect Chemistry ~ Colress x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now