Chapter 14: The Pokémon League

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When you met up with Colress, he seemed sad about something. "Are you alright?" You asked. "Yeah. I'm alright..." He answered. "Anyway, you finished your trials, right?" You nodded. "Alright, then let's head over to Mount Lanakila."

You began to shiver when you got close to the mountain. "You must be freezing." Colress said. "Especially since you're not used to temperatures like this, because you live in Alola." He let you wear his heated lab coat so you wouldn't get cold. "But what about you? You can't just go to the mountain without your coat." "I'll be fine," He said, and put on a jacket.

As you hiked to the top of the mountain, the coat you were wearing was practically dragging on the ground since Colress was so tall. "Are you sure we can't just fly to the top?" You asked. Colress shook his head. "Your Salamence and my Altaria are both Dragon/Flying types, so they have a double weakness to Ice. They wouldn't last very long up here." "Alright," You said, and climbed even higher.


 After an exhausting trip, you finally reached the peak of Mount Lanakila. "I'm going to stay in the Pokémon center for a while..." Colress said. "Are you're alright? You're acting a lot different lately. You know you could come watch me battle right?" You asked him. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just a little lightheaded, that's all." He headed to the Pokémon center. "Wait!" You said, just before he stepped inside. "Don't you want your coat back?" He shook his head. "You can wear it for now."

You stepped inside of the Pokémon League, wondering why Colress was acting so strange. You were a bit nervous about the League, but you realized that you would be fine as long as didn't worry. You went inside of an amethystine room, and saw Acerola standing there.

"Welcome to the Pokémon League!" She said, smiling. "I bet you didn't expect to see me here! Let's have a battle now!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~She sent out Sableye, and you sent out Salamence. It tried to use Shadow Claw, but Salamence flew into the air. He flew down, and slammed into Sableye. It used Confuse Ray, and your Pokémon attacked, and used Hydro Pump.

Acerola sent out Drifblim, and you switched to Raichu. Your Raichu used Thunder, and the super effective move instantly made her Pokémon faint. Drifblim's Aftermath damaged Raichu, however. Next, she sent Dhelmise out. Raichu used Thief, and Dhelmise used Shadow Ball. Raichu fainted.

You sent out Arcanine and had him use Flame Charge. It made Dhelmise faint and increased Arcanine's speed. Acerola sent out Froslass which Arcanine immediately defeated with Flare Blitz. Acerola sent out her last Pokémon, Palossand. You switched back to Salamence and his Hydro Pump easily defeated it.


"Wow! That was incredible!" Acerola said. "Good luck on your next three battles!" You groaned. One battle was tiring enough, but now you had to do three more. You healed your Pokémon and left the room. You entered another room where Olivia was sitting.

You were about to say hello to her, when she said, "Let's just skip the talking. We should just get straight to the battle. Speaking of which, my Pokémon are going to crush yours!" You smiled and sent out Decidueye.


Olivia sent out Armaldo first. Decidueye attacked, and used Spirit Shackle. Armaldo used Crush Claw, but it had no effect. She finished Armaldo off with Brave Bird. Next, she sent out Cradily, and Decidueye used Shadow Ball. Cradily used Rock Tomb on Decidueye, and she attacked back with Leaf Blade, which was just enough to defeat Olivia's Pokémon. She sent out Gigalith, but Decidueye just defeated it in one hit with Leaf Blade.

Love: The Perfect Chemistry ~ Colress x Reader (Female)Where stories live. Discover now