Chapter 9: Missing

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Terra woke up and called up DJ Khaled. The call went like this:

"Hello, is this DJ Khaled?"

"No, this is Drake. Khaled's in Miami with Yachty."

"Lil Yachty?"

"Yeah. Nicole's here but she went to the store and couldn't bring Asahd so I'm watching him."

"Well, just tell him I have a psycho on my tail, and I don't mean Post Malone."

"Haha, nice. Wait, a psycho?"



"A clown. It's kind of hard to explain. Everything's top secret, you know?"

"Yeah, I'll tell him."

"Alright. Thanks."

"No problem."

They hung up, and Terra went outside just to see... Aqua? Aqua!

"Terra!" She called. They ran towards each other.

"How did you get here?" Asked Terra. "We tracked your phone. It led me here. What happened?"

So Terra explained everything that had went on. And soon, they were walking back home. Why were they walking? They wanted to talk. It had been about about a week since Terra had been abducted by Xehanort, and Aqua was worried. They were walking along when they saw someone burst out of a house with excitement.

He had a beard, a beanie on his head, and a hoodie. "What is up my internet friends and family! I am Charmx, and today, I'm going to be reacting to... Oh hey there!"

"Oh hi, umm, Charmx, right?"

"Well, technically, it's Karl. "Who are you?"

"I'm Terra, and this is Aqua. We were headed to the Land of Departure."

"Oh, there's a Popeye's Chicken spot near there! That does make me kinda hungry... You wanna go with me? I can drop you off after."

Usually, they wouldn't ride with a stranger, but he seemed friendly. And not in aNYway suspicious! So they rode. And Charmx was as friendly as they expected! They talked about YouTube, and how Charmx's channel was pretty popular, but it wasn't super cool. It was just neutral.

When they arrived at Popeye's, Charmx whispered to Terra, "So, do you like her?"

Terra started stuttering, "Who, uh, Aqua?"


"Well, we've known each other for a really long time, so, I don't know."

"When you get the chance, just ask her out. But don't stutter like Bill. Just be calm."

"Alright. Thanks for the tip."

So they entered the restaurant and ate some number 9s, and other random stuff. When they arrived at home, Terra thanked Charmx for the ride.

"No problem. Hope to see you soon!"

"Us too! See ya!" And as they turned around, they heard a voice say, "Didn't you mean, 'Sir see ya, sir?'" There he was. Hartman again, grinning.

"I told your master everything."

"Am I in trouble?"

"Come inside."

So they entered the castle. "Hello, Terra." Master Eraqus greeted. "Hello, Master." Terra replied.

When Terra saw Eraqus, he became really nervous. So Aqua leaned in and whispered, "You're shaking. It's ok. It's just the master." Ha! Terra wished he was ok.

"I heard everything. But it's alright. I don't blame you for hiding since Master Xehanort was found to have betrayed the light. He was working for a secret agent named Marissa Wiegler. Her other accomplice was an assassin by the name of Issacs. But we have bigger problems. Ventus has gone missing."

What?! Ven, gone missing? He was one of Terra's closest friends! And now, he was gone?

"That's why I need you to go find him. Aqua, you should go as well. And if Marissa has him, take her to the cops."

"Yes, Master. Terra, let's go."


So Terra, Aqua, and Seargant Hartman left to find Ven.

Meanwhile, down in the sewers, Pennywise jumped down into his lair. He walked up to a cage. There was a boy sitting in the corner.

"Georgie..." The boy looked up. "You have a new friend now." Pennywise laughed, and threw Ventus into the cage.

640 words.

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