Untitled Part 9

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(y/n)'s pov

I shook my head solemnly as Betty walked passed, head held high with Jug on her arm. She'd managed too convince him that she'd change.

Change meant he wouldn't see her do anything wrong. But she'd still do it.

I couldn't wrap my head passed the fact that Jughead had seen through her little show. It's as if she turned off a switch in his head and made him her slave.

I kept thinking about this as I wondered into class a few minutes early. I placed myself far from anyone, even though every seat would eventually be filled, just so I can relax my mind.

Betty had managed to trick the usually smart and refuting boy I had learned too know. But how had she done it?

Did she really mean she'd stop, and he saw the truth in her eyes? Or is she just an amazing actress?

Or did she threa-

"Hey (y/n)," Cheryl said, interrupting my thoughts.

"Hey C," Toni stood beside Cheryl as I greeted her. "Hey Toni."

They both replied hastily and sat next too and in front of me, Toni backwards in the seat directly in front.

"So," Cheryl said, her voice hushed as some students began too flood the empty classroom. "Betty and Jughead are together again. Toni scoffed.

"I don't know how Betty managed too convince Jughead too get with her. She's.." Toni trailed off.

"A weirdo." I finished for her. She nodded and looked too Cheryl, who was looking at the both of us.

"She tries too be a badass," She mumbled, applying her blood red lipstick. "But all she ever does is make herself look like a fool in the process. The only time she managed too..'scare' me was by using the video where my brother was murdered." She stopped talking just as the she-devil walked in.

She looked different.

She looked like one of those girls that got their heartbroken and made this big comeback. Her usually slicked back in a ponytail hair was down and laying on her shoulders lightly.

She was wearing a green crop-top that was obviously two sizes too small for her, and some black ripped jeans that went up too her belly button.

What really upset me was how Jughead was latched onto her like he couldn't live without feeling her skin.

Cheryl must have saw my face, because she grabbed my hand and smiled softly. "Just forget them. How about we go too the spa today. Yeah?"

God bless this girl.

I nodded and grinned, turning towards the front of the class.

I just want to be okay. ~Jughead x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now