The Untitled Story of Two Guys [3]

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The Untitled Story of Two Guys

Chapter 2:

Aaron's POV

"That's cool, I'm a tattoo artist," as I said this, I watched the cute boy's eyes in front of me light up. "Really," he asked. "Yeah, why?" I asked him as I stared at his excited face. Something about him, had me drawn to him. I don't know what though. Maybe his gorgeous face or his cute self. How he blushes so easily even with the slightest touch or how he was so embarrassed when I found his boxers. I was just teasing him. It sorta disappointed me that we didn't talk much after that. In fact we didn't even talk. The 'talk' we did have was more of an argument.

This morning well more like afternoon since it was 1:30, I came out to see if the newspaper was here yet but instead I found a beautiful boy standing across my apartment door surrounded with a bunch of boxes and suitcases. He was slightly heaving and looked so cute as he stood there in some skinny jeans and a white polo. His beautiful black hair surrounded his shapely face and those eyes, those blue eyes, so mystical. I felt myself drawn to this cute and adorable little boy. Well he's not that little. He looks to be around 18 or 19. I'm only 21. But still only being 5'9 or 5'10, he's sorta short compared to my 6'3 figure.

I continued staring at him. As he noticed my sudden interest in him, he looked down and there I saw the red creeping up his neck and into his cheeks. I grinned and turned back to stare at the television. The bogus sit come was back on. It was less awkward when we were talking but now that the sit come was back on, the awkwardness creeped back in.

I turned back to look at the beautiful boy sitting next to me. He was slightly curled up on the couch biting his nails. So adorable, I thought. I looked at the clock above the wall and than only did I realize that I was majorly late. "Oh my gosh," I shouted standing up. I look back to see him sitting there shocked at my outburst. "I'm sorry but I have to go, I'm really late," I told the boy, more specifically Elliot. Gosh even that name was so cute. He nods slightly before standing up and walking to the front. I walk behind him. I watch his small hands open the lock and pull the door open.

"Thank you for helping me," he mumbles quietly looking down. I walk up close to him, feeling more brave and softly lean down kissing his cheek. His eyes widen as his head snaps up to look at me.

"No problem" I whisper before walking out the door.

Elliot's POV

My head snaps up as I felt some soft lips touch my cheek. He just kissed me, I think in wonder and amazement as he walks back into his apartment closing the door behind him. I wonder what he was late for as I walked back into the living room. My cheek slightly tingling from that surprised kiss. I would've never expected him to do that of all people. And I know it sounds biased saying that about him considering I only met and barely have talked to him but sometimes you can just tell by the way a person seems to be. He seems to be the tough, macho guy. Not the guy to be all sweet and romantic and definitely not the guy that would kiss another guy on the cheek.

I do admit, I'm gay. It just runs in my dad's side of the family, I guess. But I've never found that special guy or rather any guy for that matter. Everyone is always disgusted asking me how can I live liking guys instead of girls. I don't know, all I know is I just can. It sometimes hurts knowing my own mother left because she found out my dad was gay. She didn't consider his happiness or even mine just leaving without a word. I admit that sometimes it's so hard because an open gay. I'm not a closet gay but I'm not the type to showcase who I am so openly like some of those guys who walk around with their girlfriends applying lip gloss and going to i don't know, Victoria's Secrets. That's not really me, I guess. I don't care if people know if I'm gay. I just don't openly display it either.

Inside my apartment, I walked back into my bedroom deciding a nap was very much needed because of the excessive thinking I've done. Feeling lazy, I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into my warm bed pulling the covers over me as sleep overcame me quickly.

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