The Untitled Story of Two Guys [5]

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The Untitled Story of Two Guys

Chapter 5:

He dragged me out of the tattoo shop after closing it up and we both walked down the crowded NYC street. More like he dragged me behind him like a little child, our hands intertwined as we furiously walked through the crowd.

"You call this walking," I ask him sceptically as I almost run into a wheel chaired lady who sends me a dirty look. He shrugs his shoulder, not letting go of my hand, continuing to battle himself through the crowd. Exasperated as he doesn't answer me, I sigh allowing him to continue dragging me. He stops all of a sudden causing me to bump into his back hard. I give out a little screech and at that he's turned around inspecting me for any injuries. "I'm so sorry," he says putting his hands on my chest. I blush slightly.

We're standing outside a coffee shop, more specifically Starbucks Coffee. He leads me inside to a booth before telling me he'll be back. 5 minutes later he's back with two steaming cups of a coffee and a plate of cheesecake. "You didn't have to," I mumble embarrassed he paid for me. I'm a grown man who can pay for his own coffee. Once again all he does is response in shrugs his shoulder. I take a sip of the scalding hot coffee, almost moaning in relief as my muscles relax even more.

"So what were you up to," Aaron asks me taking a bite of his cheesecake.

"Just exploring New York City," I tell him. He nods before saying "open."

"Mmh," I ask him in confusion only to have my mouth stuffed with a piece of cheesecake. I slightly choke before swallowing it down. I give him a 'really you had to do that' look. He just takes another piece and shoves that into my gaping mouth. I cough before swallowing that too. "What are you doing," I tell him shrieking.

"Feeding you since it looks like you don't do much of that," he says. I raise an eyebrow looking down at myself. Sure I'm slender and sorta smallish, that doesn't mean I don't eat. Okay, well maybe I don't. I do eat just stuff like candy, chocolate, cereal, catching on? At home dad would have to force me to eat dinner, since most often I couldn't be bothered with it.

"I do eat, just not much," I defended. "Sure," he says sarcastically. After he forced me to eat the delicious cheesecake, we both finished off our coffees and left the little shop. On our way back to the tattoo place, he decides to stop at a wired store for lovers. He tells me to wait outside and he'll be right back. When he does come back he's holding nothing. He looks completely normal and I'm baffled for a moment. What did he do?

"Okay let's go," he says taking my hand. Back at the shop, I'm about to leave when he stops me.

"Mmh," I ask him. He's holding onto my wrist tightly. "Hold on, I have something for you," he says. I blush that warm red color that I'm so familiar with as he ruffles his jacket pockets before grabbing a tiny plastic bag out of his larger pocket. He gently slides the item out of it and moves his hand. I see a bracelet with the letters A&E and a heart button. "I got this for you," he says taking my small wrist and buttoning it around. It's one of those engraved bracelets that you button around your wrist.

"I love it," I whisper clearly astonished that he would get me something like this. He shrugs. I look at the time.

"Well I have to go," I mumble glumly. I look at him and see his face perk up.

"Why don't you come over for dinner tonight let's say at 8," he asks me with a hopeful look on his face. Now this is another one of those moments in my life where I responded without thinking.


That was my answer. I watched as he kneeled down to my height giving me a peck on the cheek before whispering bye. Stumbling out of the shop, I sigh as I realized what just happened.

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