The Untitled Story of Two Guys [7]

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The Untitled Story of Two Guys

Chapter 7:

I sighed in bliss as I opened the door to my bedroom. I kicked off my shoes and undid my tie. I must be dreaming, I thought as I collapsed on my bed in just my boxers. After that wonderful kissed filled with fireworks and other various sparks, we talked. We asked each other questions about each other. When I asked about the kiss, he revealed to me that he's gay. Now this is the part where I squeal in delight but I rather no. Back to what happened. We talked and then I let out a yawn. Stupid yawn, because of it our conversation stopped and Aaron told me to go get some sleep. Reluctantly agreeing, I left but not without a goodbye kiss. As I was about to walk out, he pulled me in and gave me another mouth watering kiss. By the time he let go, I wanted more but he gently pushed me out with a big, wide smirk placed on his red and swollen lips. I can't say we're lovers, boyfriends because truth is all we did was kiss and talk. In a way I liked that we talked. I found out tons about him. He has a younger sister, Maria, and loving parents. They live 20 minutes away from the apartment considering the fact that Maria can't stand being away from her big brother for too long. I thought it was sweet but Aaron was blushing and looked embarrassed.

He told me he's attracted to me but that was it. A couple of kisses, a wonderful dinner, and a mere conversation, nothing much yet very much.

The Next Day

I woke up with the sun shining brightly on my half naked body. I sighed in bliss as I got in the shower. Twenty minutes later, a yummy breakfast of coco puffs, and a glance towards Aaron's apartment door I was on my way to my first day of work.

Wish me luck!

At Work

"And this is your office," Mr. Johnson, the person in charge here, informed me.

"Nice," I commented.

"Yes it is. See this folder; it has all your assignments in here. Today is just a trial day. You know, you can walk around, check out some of the action and see how everything works around here. Tomorrow is when you start," Mr. Johnson said.

"Alright," I told him,

"Well I have things to do; I'll see you later," Mr. Johnson said.

"Okay, I'll see you later," I said sitting down on the comfy, leather desk chair. He nods his head before walking out of the spacious office. The room was probably the size of a regular, sized bedroom. There were a few art pieces hung up on the wall and a huge bookshelf covering the back wall. In front of the bookshelf was my desk with a computer on it. The walls were a light green color. It's a nice office, I concluded as I grabbed the folder with my assignments.

Inside the folder, attached to the prongs were a pile of papers each dated for the days I worked. There was no paper for today but for tomorrow. It was organized orderly and by hour. Tomorrow first thing, I get here I need to meet a Ms. Willow for a clothing check for some photography scenes. Nice, at least I know this isn't some kind of pushover job.

Well since I'm here might as well go check out the scene instead of lazing around. I walked outside and down the hall of brightly lit offices passing a few models and a photographer. The photographer nodded in acknowledgment before continuing on. I passed the office and turned down a hall and into the main part of the building. Here it was darkly lit and there were various scenes set up. There were models posing while photographers took pictures. Some of the scenes were so beautiful. Scene model photography isn't just a model in nice clothes, but it's where there's a beautiful scene like a moonlight walk or a beautiful picnic at the beach. The scenes were very pretty. The most gorgeous one I saw was of a couple dressed up as if in the Victorian Era, they were dancing with love and passion in the air. Behind the different scenes set up were the changing rooms. Chinese paper walls were set up for models to change behind along with racks of clothing and those brightly lit dressing tables. There were a few models getting ready, and getting their hair done by a few stylists. I admired the wonderful working environment. Very nice, I'll have fun, I thought.


Sorry this one is boring. I didn't really know what to write. And this one sorta gives you an insight on what his job is gonna be like.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2010 ⏰

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