The Untitled Story of Two Guys [6]

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The Untitled Story of Two Guys

Chapter 6:

I fumbled with the tie as I got ready for my dinner with Aaron. At first I wasn't sure what to wear for the dinner realizing he never said if it was a casual dinner or not. After an hour of carefully thought out...well thoughts I decided to go with the casual yet formal look. I had paired my super tight skinny jeans that my best friend Ava thought made my butt look "delicious" with a light blue dress shirt and as you already know a black tie. I don't know what shocked me more. That Aaron invited me over for dinner or that I took so much figuring out what I wanted to wear. It's almost as if I'm trying to impress him which is of course false but in a far part of my mind I knew that I did want to impress him. I wanted him to look at me the way he would look at a lover. I sighed, I'm really pathetic at times, I thought to myself as I finally got the inferior tie looking somewhat decent. I straightened myself before putting on my dress shoes and grabbing my iPod.

Okay remember don't be nervous, I thought. On my way to his apartment which took me only about 3 seconds I gave myself a silent pep talk. Don't do anything stupid, don't stammer, don't let him know he makes you nervous, the list goes on and on with little things. I felt the butterflies zooming around wildly in my stomach as I rung the doorbell to his apartment. I heard a crash and some swearing before the door was swiftly opened. My breathe caught in my throat as I took his beautiful, godly body in. He was only in a pair of dress pants and lemme tell you his body was too die for. His six pack was revealed for all eyes to see. He had one of those killer bodies, not those disgusting, gross body builder bodies but one that looked like it just happened; the person didn't strive hard for it. My eyes wandered on his toned chest. As soon as I realized what I was doing, checking him out, I blushed once again that bright, vivid shade of red, and looked up into his face. I could feel his wandering eyes taking me in. I shifted uncomfortably.

"Hi," I said nervously. His eyes shifted to look at mine.

"Hey, you look nice," he said. My heart sped up at his words as I said a quiet thank you.

"Why don't you come in," he said moving aside. I walked inside slowly examining the room. The foyer was brightly lit with a lamp in the corner alongside a closet. I followed him inside to his living room. The living room, unlike my neat and organized one, his was filled with all kinds of junks and not in any neat. Bookshelves covered the whole wall and in the middle of them were a flat screen TV. The bookshelves were filled with all kinds of things, books, souvenirs, different figures of things, all kinds of things. I saw yo-yos, a jump rope, heck I even saw a Mickey Mouse lamp. In front of these bookshelves was a black couch strew with a blanket, a pillow, and a remote.

"Oh um sorry about the mess," Aaron said scratching the back of his neck and giving me a sheepish smile. He looked absolutely adorable.

"Its fine," I spoke gently.

"Dinner will be ready soon," he said. I nodded, not knowing what to say next.

We both walked into the kitchen and he asked me a few questions about myself. I asked him a few in back. I learned he is passionate about art but chooses to express it in tattooing and designing tattoos; he loves little children, and hasn't found the right one yet. I think it's sweet that a guy believes his other half is somewhere out there. We chatted while we waited for the food to be done.

"Okay why don't you wait out in the dining room," I'll be out with the food he said.

"Are you sure you don't need any help," I asked him. "Just go," he shooed me away. I walked into the somewhat organized dining room and sat down at the table for two. The table was set with a candle in the middle along with...paper plates and paper utensils. I sat down waiting for him until I heard the door open. He came through the door with a pot of something that smelled absolutely delicious. He put it down and I tried not to drool at the wonderful, aromatic scent.

"What did you cook," I asked him closing my eyes taking in the scent.

"Chicken Parmesan Pasta with some homemade garlic bread along with a side of orange and tomato salad," he said. He grabbed the paper plate and piled some pasta on it with garlic bread and in the plastic bowl he gave me some salad. It all looked and smelled delicious. "Did you make this all by yourself," I asked him as he settled down into his seat. We were seated across from each other eating a five star homemade dinner on paper plates. It was just too sweet, I thought happily taking a bite from my pasta.

"How is it," he asks me expectantly.

"It's delicious, did you make it by yourself," I asked him.

"Yeah mom's recipe," he said sheepishly taking a spoonful of salad. I nodded in acknowledgment taking another bite. God this food is so delicious, I thought. Over dinner we talked lightly while eating the delicious entrée.

"Ready for dessert," he asked right as I put my fork down. I looked at him wide-eyed. He only grinned at me and before walking back into the kitchen. Moments later he appeared with a delicious looking chocolate cake. My eyes widened. Wow, this guy can definitely cook. The cake was too delicious and scrumptious. The best thing was he made it by himself. I like a man who could cook.

I munched happily on the chocolaty goodness until I heard him stifle a laugh. I looked up utterly confused at what he found funny. "What," I asked him looking down at the cake.

"You have some frosting on the corner of your lips," he said pointing to it. As I bent to get a napkin, his hand took mine. I felt the butterflies again as he leaned across the table. His face was so close to mine now I could feel his breathing and his breath blew softly across my face. My face was engulfed in a scent even more delicious than the pasta or the cake he cooked and baked for tonight. His breathe smelled like cinnamon and vanilla with a hint of chocolate. He and his breath (lol) smelled absolutely delectable. He got even more closer until our foreheads were touching. My breath came out in small, quite gasps as he licked the corner of my lips, licking the chocolate off. His tongue was so smooth and felt like silk. He licked the corner of my lips again before firmly planting his lips on mine. I was frozen for a second as his lips moved gently on mine until I regained my consciousness and realized what was happening. Immediately I kissed back wanting more of that delicious scent and him. His lips were so soft and felt like heaven on mine. As his tongue gently probed my mouth I couldn't help but moan. I could feel his smile against my lip as we continued to make out. His big, muscular hands wrapped around my small waist pulling me even closer. I could taste the chocolaty goodness in his mouth.

I think I just died and went to heaven.


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