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The halls of Auradon castle were bustling with people, from maids, to butlers, to guards; they all paced back and forth, going over the preparations for the upcoming biggest event in Auradon's short history.

Prince Benjamin Florian was going to become king next month.

The hype around the event was so great, that even the royals were finnicking around Auradon Prep very early in the morning. picking dresses and crown and jewelry sets, wanting to look perfect for the event... all, except but one. Whom was currently at the picnic tables of said prestigious school; with her face buried in the newest book her Aunt Belle had bought her, lazily scribbling on a blank sheet of her favorite notebook.

It was a Sunday. She had finished her homework, and didn't bother with such little nonsensical things...

..until she felt a tap on her shoulder.

Pearlescent white wolf ears perked up at said contact from the head of strawberry blonde hair currently hidden behind the pages, and slowly; the female turned her head around in mild curiosity.

"O-Oh! Doug! Good morning!"

The son of Dopey had interrupted her daydreaming. One of her best friends, the only one she could be more open with apart from the soon-to be king himself; he was part of the organizing committee, as far as she was aware.

"H-Hey, Aria. Um- Lumiere asked me to come looking for you, says Ben wants to talk to you-"

"Ben? I thought he was busy getting his outfit fitted for the coronation-"

"He is. And you should be as well, I mean, you're gonna be standing at his side when it happens-"

She had almost rolled her eyes. "I'll do so later. Did he say what he wanted to speak to me about-?"

"...No. but it's important. Lumiere said so, and he has no reason to lie..."

A sigh left her lips, before she blew a lock of hair off her face; she got up slowly, meticulously picking up her items and once again placing them in her bag before she spoke once more.

"I'll be there, then. Thank you, Doug."

The boy simply nodded, nervously fidgeting before rushing off. Golden eyes watched him take his leave, until he had vanished in between the crowds of people.

Her hand had moved to her neck, grasping the tag of the dog collar around it; and the yellow diamond encrusted in it's front began to glow.

"Take me to Ben's room."

And in a flash of warm, yellow light; she was gone.


Ben had been pacing for the last twelve minutes. He could swear he had. His belly was riddled with anxiety, and his mind was in chaos.

The only thing that was able to calm him had yet to appear in his room. He knew she could with just barely uttering the words, that girl was more magic than any other kid in their school. She was bound to come.

He was finally able to let out a breath of relief as his room was temporarily lit in the same warm, golden light that was key indicator of Aria teleporting.

Yet, after the light faded; he still was in distress, turning around and walking towards her.

"What took you so long-!? I sent Lumiere to go for you less than 25 minutes ago!"

"Ben. Dear, calm down. Breathe..." Aria couldn't help but chuckle, taking Ben's hand in her own. "Lumiere sent Doug to find me, that's why it took so long; you know how hard it is for him to manouver around the school..."

"For anyone, really.." The prince huffed, rolling his eyes. "I swear, ever since the coronation was announced; the school has been a swarm.."

They both laughed, Ben finally relaxing. He slowly pulled his hand out of Aria's hold; before using it to softly ruffle her strawberry curls, earning a yelp from the girl.

"So, how has my little sister been doing on her first... hell, week and a half; has it really been a week and a half already?"

She giggled, rolling her eyes. "Yes, Ben. It has been a week and a half. And it has been good, as one would expect from any school.."

"Good. 'Cause we are... kind of getting new students."

That, made her turn her head towards him in confusion. "We are? Who's it going to be..?"

"It's not confirmed yet, I mean; I have to talk with dad and Fairy Godmother to be able to do it. And as for who it is going to be... that's the reason why I called you here..." He placed both hands on Aria's shoulders, causing the girl to frown slightly.

"It is high time for me to make my first official proclamation as king. And i've decided... that I wish to reform the villain kids, and give them the chance to live here; In Auradon."

To say that she was surprised would be an understatement, the frown staying in her face as she thought it through. Ben stood, completely nervous; in front of this girl, whom could be the key to helping his view become a reality. He needed her to understand.

"....Who are their parents?"


"Maleficent?! She's the worst villain in the land!"

Aria could only flinch slightly at her Uncle's screaming tone, her ears momentarily flattening against her head; yet she still held strong, as strong as she could.

"Uncle Adam, just hear us out here-."

"I won't hear of it, Aria." The irate king nearly spat, looking at the two children sternly. "They are guilty of unspeakable crimes!"

The guards had slowly stepped out of the room.

"So was my father!" Aria retorted, tail raising upwards. She wasn't being disrespectful, but neither was she backing down. "And yet, here I am. If I am able to live here, why can't they-?"

"Dad.." Ben continued, looking at his father directly in the eyes. "Their children are innocent! Don't you think they deserve a shot at a normal life?"

...That, and Aria's argument actually made the look in the king's eyes flatter; his mind slowly letting go of his anger.

"Uncle Adam.." The looks the two kids in front of him were giving him, only served to further that. God, the double puppy eyes; with Aria that descriptive being literal, how could they pull it off so perfectly?

He sighed in clear defeat, recognizing that the two, did have a point. "I suppose... their children are innocent."

That caused both Ben and Aria to grin, silently celebrating between each other; Belle smiled, grabbing the hands of both teens.

"Good job."

They both smiled at the queen, silently watching as both her and her king proceeded to leave the room. And once the doors had closed, Aria let out a sigh.

"Well, that went... well."

"As good as we had been expecting. He kinda did take it better than we thought-"

"His fears are well justified..." The girl mumbled, tugging at the strings that tied her hood in growing unrest. "To an extent."

"Everything's going to turn out alright, Aria..." Ben said reassuringly, wrapping a arm around his little sister's shoulder. "I'm certain of it. Call it... King's sense."

Laughter. "Benjamin, you silly dork-"

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