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"You four, have been chosen to go to a different school... In Auradon."

To say that Carlos, and by extension his other friends; hadn't even processed those words, until it had already been too late, was a understatement.

His first instinct had been fleeing from the gods-damned place, going back to his mother's 'mansion'; hiding in his room and refusing to come out, only then did he truly see salvation from this mess he did not want to be involved in.

Maleficent's lackeys stopped them all, only making their desperation increase; actually struggling against their holds even when they knew it was futile.


Mal, as the leader of the group; had been able to represent their combined disbelief and distress, the look on Maleficent's face just screamed enjoyment. She enjoyed watching them writhe.

"I'm not going to some boarding school, filled to the brim with... prissy, pink princesses-"

"And perfect princes-!" Evie had continued the violet-haired girl's sentence, and Carlos could not help but glare at the back of her head. Mal also had deterred the girl from digging their hole deeper, by giving her a stare that had quickly made Evie retract her words; letting out, a fake 'ugh' simulating disgust.

"Yeah, I don't do 'uniforms'." Jay snorted in humor, doing quotations with his fingers. "Unless it's leather, 'ya feel me-?" He had turned to Carlos, raising a hand for a high five; Carlos knew he expected a high five, but the boy decided to instead give his point of view. Knowing full well it would be completely disregarded.

"I've read somewhere... they allow dogs, and wolves in Auradon.."

Maleficent's smirk had widened, only making his nervousness increase.

"Mom says that they're ferocious pack animals that eat boys... w-who don't behave-"


Carlos yelped, nearly jumping two feet as ice cold fear spread across his body; he had turned around quicker than a fairy could fly, his eyes wide as plates.

....and then he slapped Jay's shoulder as hard as he could, the stupid bastard laughing his ass off.

"Yeah, mom. We are not going-!"

Maleficent chuckled. "You're thinking small, pumpkin'~ it's all about world domination-!"

That. Caught Carlos's attention, making him turn to look at the evil witch.

Oh, Hades no.


Stealing the fairy godmother's wand. Stealing. The. Fairy. Godmother's. Wand.

Carlos couldn't wrap his head around that, like; he knew Maleficent was hellbent on finally getting revenge, all of their parents were. But he had never considered they were that insane.

How were they expecting them to pull that off? Well, they were. And they had to be successful. They couldn't refuse, nor could they fail... or Zeus knows what their parents would do.

He had thought his mother wasn't interested in gaining revenge, as far as he was aware; the only thing she was interested in was keeping him around so he could continue being the houses's servitude. Turns out, he was right with the latter and wrong with the former. The words she had said to him a few minutes ago, made him change his mind, and actually agree to go.

Being with his friends in Auradon was better than being left alone in the isle with his mother. He would do the mission only to stay away from her.

He had decided to drown out the noise, as he always did when he and his friends were forced to be in the same room as all of their parents at once. Until a honk was heard.

And he felt his mother's hand grip him tightly on the shoulder.

"Carlos! Move!"

She had roughly pulled at his arm, dragging him down the stairs; he had barely time to react, but once he did, And he saw the garbage bag, which he knew had his things inside; sitting in the entrance of Maleficent's 'castle', he quickly ran down the stairs, diving for the bag before running for the car outside.

A limo. They were really going to Auradon. They were really doing this.

"Get back here!"

He quickly threw the bag inside of the vehicle, before diving after it.


He huffed slightly, looking through the back window at his mother; glaring at him. Like she knew he was looking back at her even through the darkened windows.

He gulped, barely noticing the limo was already moving; his mother finally going back into Maleficent's place, as the limo drove off further.

He sighed, finally being able to settle down on the seat.

Only then did his eyes settle on what was in front of him, the explanation for the smell that inundated the inside of the limo. A entire section filled with candy. Jay had laid eyes on it too, and the two boys slowly turned to look at each other with matching grins.

Maybe... this really was not going to be so bad.


Aria fixed her skirt for the twelfth time in the past hour, finally walking to the front door of the school. Ben, The Fairy Godmother and... Audrey, were already standing there; ready to greet the newcomers.

God. Why was she feeling nervous..? Sure, she was... really socially awkward, but nothing like this.

"Aria, you ready-?" Ben called out, and said girl finally snapped her head upwards. She pulled her hoodie over her head, hiding her ears; and went to stand by Ben. Audrey rolled her eyes at the girl, and Aria ignored it. As she always did.

The fanfare started, as the limousine pulled over in front of the large castle that was known to be the main building of Auradon High, and Aria took a deep breath; adopting her 'royal' pose, getting ready for the formality...

Until it had been shattered, once the driver had opened the back door, two boys came tumbling out of it, struggling. They were fighting over a... scarf?

"Guys!" The violet haired girl sneered at the two, causing both boys to suddenly stop and turn to look at her. She was smiling, fake-smiling, crossing her arms over her chest while scanning the people in front of her.

"We have an audience."

Aria had dropped her façade once the door had opened, Standing behind Ben, whilst peeking from behind his back in startled curiosity. she laid eyes on the youngest of the two boys..

..And her curiosity grew, once she realized he was looking at her too. Was her heart beating quicker?

The Wolf Princess - Disney: Descendants [Carlos De Vil]Where stories live. Discover now