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"If you are handed a crying baby, do you: A. Curse it? B. Lock it away in a tower? C. Give it a bottle? Or D. Carve out it's heart?"

Remedial Goodness was certainly the silliest class Carlos had ever had the 'privilege' of attending. All questions were so... stupid? Like, he truly didn't understand what they expected them to answer. He had already tried twice, and had gotten both wrong.

He hated to get questions wrong. Regardless of class.

"Anyone has the answer?"

FGM looked around at Carlos and the rest of his friends, the only ones in the makeshift 'class' that she had prepared for this specific course.


The violet haired girl snapped her head upwards in mild surprise, that lasted a few seconds before she returned to her usual 'cool and aloof' poker face and said;

"C. Give it a bottle."

The Godmother smiled at the girl, leaning fowards slightly. "Correct. Again."

"You are on fire, girl." Carlos grinned slightly, the others making subtle sounds to agree. Mal smirks slightly.

"Just... pick the one that doesn't sound like any fun."


"That makes way too much sense." Evie remarked, and Mal simply mocked the bluenette before settling back to her drawing. As for Carlos, he mentally facepalmed; it should've been obvious, he had already forgotten about the whole 'rehabilitation' thing.

Suddenly two people walked in, One; that odd, shy girl. Wasn't her name Jane? Jade? Carlos couldn't really remember.
And the other was..

Immediately his attention was peeked. Aria had walked in too. Both girls were carrying clipboards, which only rose his curiosity further.

He waved his hand slightly, to get Aria's attention. Said girl saw the boy from the corner of her eye, and just limited herself to sigh and nod politely; acknowledging the boy, but not really returning the wave. Which upset him a little.

Jane had hesitated to pass in between their desks, and had outright blocked Aria's way; said girl rolled her eyes slightly at the way her friend was behaving, before gently pushing her fowards. Jane squealed in a panicked sort of fashion, rushing to the front.

"Hello, dear ones~." The Fairy Godmother smiled, leaning fowards to greet the two girls as they walked closer.

"Hi. You need to sign a early dismisal for the coronation--" Jane squeaked, pushing the clipboard into FGM's hands hurriedly, turning her head to look at the Villain Kids in panic.

"And a written permission for the Auradon History Museum's staff to be able to remove the wand from its enclosure-" Aria continued, holding the clipboard she was carrying close to her chest. She tensed slightly, as if quickly realizing something; before doing a small curtsy. "Hello, Headmistress Godmother-"

Mal had elbowed Evie slightly once Aria had mentioned the wand, and now all 4 members of the VKs were staring at the two girls standing in front of them intently.

"Everyone here remembers Aria," Said girl nodded her head again at the four, a silent hello, before once again forcing a smile.

"And my daughter, Jane?" Jane swiftly turned to look at her mother, face temporarily showcasing fear.

"Mom, no!"

"It's okay. Jane, this is everyone." FGM had grabbed the girl by the shoulders, softly pushing her fowards; immediately tensing, all she could let out was a small.

The Wolf Princess - Disney: Descendants [Carlos De Vil]Where stories live. Discover now