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Carlos could swear his heart was about to give out.

Throughout the entirety of their meeting with their... Welcoming comittee(?), his eyes had not left the seemingly glowing, golden orbs currently looking at him. Beautiful, had been the first thought that had come into his mind; his curiosity increasing, specially for the hood. Why did she need the hood?

"Oh! And this..." Ben had turned to look behind himself at the princess currently hiding behind his back, he slowly wrapped his arm around her shoulders; softly pulling her towards the front, she had let out a small squeak.

"...This is Aria Di Blanc, Daughter of Queen Anastasia Di Blanc and King Damian Wolfe." Aria limited herself to wave slightly at the four teens standing in front of her, and all seemingly tensed at the mention of her parents... Oh. Her parents..

"Was wondering about the hood over the head, really." Mal said in a soft tone, her smile turning sour quickly.

"What is she hiding? Does she have whiskers or somethin'..?" Jay snickered, clearly in a mocking tone. Evie elbowed Jay in the ribs, completely ignoring the boy's grunt of pain.

"Watch your mouth around royalty, idiot! You already made us look bad enough-" She sneered into the boy's ear, before smiling; in a apologetic manner at the girl, noticing her trembling.

Carlos had been the one to surprise everyone, stepping foward before shakily offering a hand towards Aria. Golden eyes, that were damn near to pooling with tears; had simply stared at Carlos in surprise. He smiled, clearing his throat and trying to push back his nervousness.

"Forgive him, Princess. He really does not know how to behave like a human. I-I'm Carlos-" a small little smile spread across her face, before her hand slowly reached for his.

And that's where they felt it.

A course of electricity running down their spines, making their eyes widen, bodies jolt suddenly, and mouths gasp lightly. A surge of magic, that Ben had felt, Mal had felt and they had felt too.

It only signified one thing..

Ben had watched the little scene silently, and meanwhile his façade had clearly shown friendliness, on the inside his protective brother senses were firing. He should've seen it coming, Aria's dad was one of the only two reformed villains walking around the kingdom... who knew what lies had been fed to these kids about his uncle.

Yet... the moment the surge of magic had happened, the coldness dissipated and was replaced by disbelief, which was then replaced with joy. It meant Carlos... Carlos was Aria's..

He swiftly continued with his introductions. "It is so, so, so good to finally meet you all-." He had first started with Carlos, once he and Aria had slowly; hesistantly he noticed, stepped away from each other, he had grabbed Carlos's hand. Shaking it a bit too enthusiastically.

The poor boy was still dazed by the encounter, shaking his head slightly before turning to look at Ben, giving the older boy a smile.

He continued with Mal, his blue eyes staring into hers; Toxic green with golden flakes around the iris, peculiar, if he were to admit.

"This is a momentous occasion... and one that I hope will go down in history.."

He had stepped away the moment he saw Jay's fist reaching for him, and he gave him a look; a look that deterred the boy and kind of made his blood go cold, one that screamed: talk to Aria like that again and it won't go well for you.

The Wolf Princess - Disney: Descendants [Carlos De Vil]Where stories live. Discover now