Chapter 26

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****NICOLE’S POV****

As I woke up I noticed that I wasn’t at my Uncle Kevin’s house anymore. I also noticed the ache in the back of my head and that I was laying on the floor of some van. There was a man driving and another in the passenger seat. My hands were tied behind my back and I silently started freaking out after I realized that the restraints hurt more after you struggle against them.

I noticed that the van had deeply tinted windows in the back so there’s no way I could signal for help from a passing driver. I also noticed that I didn’t know where the hell we were.

“Yeah. We’re pulling up to the warehouse in a few. Yeah we got her. She’s breathing therefore he wont care how she got there. Bye.” One of the men in the front said. I closed my eyes when I heard him turn around to check on me.

“How hard did you hit her Jeff? She’s been out the whole damn ride.”

“I didn’t hit her that hard. She’s faking it because she just woke up.”

I opened my eyes and looked at the man driving. How the hell did he know that?

“I have to keep an eye on you darling.” He said as he winked at me through the rear-view mirror. I wanted to puke. First I found out Leo lied to me, again, and then I get kidnapped while trying to have a moment to my damn self. Why the hell do these people want me? Why not Adrian? At least Adrian can defend himself.

“Are we almost there at least? I’m over this whole damsel in distress bullsh*t.”  I said. And it was true. I was tired of being snuck up on and not being able to defend myself. I felt like Daphne in Scooby Doo. I wanted to be more like Kim Possible or some other female heroine.

“Don’t worry about it. Just relax.” The man in the passenger seat answered this time.

I tried to sit up and lean against the wall of the car but I ended up just fighting nausea.

“What a wonderful time for me to be sick.” I thought to myself.

We drove for what felt like forever until we reached an old warehouse. The men in the front jumped out and opened the back doors. The “Jeff” guy pulled me up and pushed me to walk into the warehouse.

I walked through the front door and noticed there were tons of guys walking around with guns and extra bullets either on them or in their hands.

The other guy from the van pulled me to a flight of stairs and pushed me up them. I tripped but quickly caught myself before walking up the stairs. We reached a hallway with an open door at the end and one of the guys put a black bag over my head, blocking my view. I started to freak out in my mind because I didn’t know what was waiting for me behind the door they were leading me to.

One of the men held onto my arm and lead me into the room. I started to freak out.

“LET ME GO!!!”  I screamed. They pushed me in a chair and I felt like I was surrounded by more people than before.

“Leo, would you like to do the honors?” My ears perked up to the sound of an older man’s voice. I became slightly worried until I realized what he had asked. Leo? What was he doing here? Was he here to save me? How did he know where I was?

All these thoughts were rushing around in my head until I heard Leo speak.

“Don’t you dare say anything else. Shut up.” Leo growled. His voice, even though he was angry. His voice was soothing to me. It was like the calm after a storm.

No matter how much I wanted to stay mad at him, I never could. He meant so much to me even after we’ve only known each other for a week or so. I sort of understand how those Disney princesses feel when they meet their soul mate. Even though the movies are cliché and they never really relate to real life, I understand what it feels like to want to spend the rest of your life with the man you’ve only known for a short period of time.

The bag was pulled off of my head and I blinked to focus my eyes. I looked at the guards’ faces, the old man who I assumed had spoken, the guy pointing a gun at another man’s beaten face, the man with the beaten face, and then at Leo. Our eyes locked and I could see the pleading in his eyes.

I fought back the tears but I couldn’t hold them back for long. Because I knew deep down in my heart, despite my unconditional love for Leo, he had lied to me again and this time, it would be the worst.

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