Chapter 23

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“Oww you prick! That sh*t hurts.” I yelled, glaring at the man trying to bandage up my arm. Its bad enough Nick left me in this room with them, now since she's not here; they’re taking advantage of it.

“Well keep still and it won’t hurt so much.” He said. I glared at him even more. I was more than ready to rip his damn head off.

“Hey knock it off. He’s fine.” Chase said as he came into the room. I was grateful that I at least had someone to help me in this house of Starks.

“Hey. What’s she doing out there?” I asked, hoping and praying that Nicole was joking about that guy. He was way too pale for me and even if he matched my height and weight, I’d still end up putting a bullet in his head for even touching her.

“She’s talking to that Xavier dude. He looks upset while she’s blushing hard as hell. I heard her mention you so that may be why he looks so constipated.” Chase asked as the men left us alone in the room after finally bandaging my arm.

“Good. Hopefully she’s doing the right thing and telling him off.”

“Yeah maybe. But look. Did you tell her?”

“I told her.”

“Everything? She just seems too calm to have heard everything Leo.”

“I didn’t tell her that part.”

“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” Chase yelled a little too loudly. I knew of all people, he would be upset about me lying.

“I just didn’t see it as the right time.”

“C’mon Leo. How do you think you’re going to win her back after someone tells her the real truth? She’s going to kill you. And the entire Stark family is going to watch and laugh.”

“I know damnit. I just wanted to tell her a little at a time so that I wouldn’t overwhelm her.”

“You need to tell her now Leo.”


“No you tell my little sister now or I bust a cap in your ass.” Adrian said as he closed the door behind him. I hadn’t noticed that he was in the room at all. Wait a second, how did he know?

“I found out after you decided to protect Nicole at the Cathedral. You put her life before yours and ended up almost dying. It wasn’t coincidence that you came into Nicole’s life right after a failed attempt on our father happened. You got too close to her, too quick for it not to have been coincidence.”

“It’s not what you think Adrian. I can explain.”

“Oh explain you will do you sick f*ck. I almost lost my sister once and I will not let you or your sick f*ck of a father take her away. Understand?” Adrian said. His eyes were turning black and I could see how mad he was through the clenching and unclenching of his fist.

“Yes.” I replied.

“Good. Now where the hell is your father?” He asked calmly.

“I don’t know.”

“Oh that’s funny. You don’t know? Then find the f*ck out or you and all of your little friends will not only end up dead, I’ll make sure it’s a very slow and painful death. Keep the f*ck away from Nicole.” Adrian said as he started to get mad again.

“You know I can’t do that. I’m the only one who can protect her from my father’s men.”

“Yeah and you’re also the one who almost got her blown to pieces at the Cathedral. So how about you do us all a favor and accept that you’ve lost.”

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