Chapter 8

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The girls and I had one more show to do before our tour was over. I was beyond excited because I had convinced management to let me see Y/N for a couple of days before we were back to doing whatever we were supposed to do after our tour. I had kept an eye on Y/N as best as I could being all the way on the other side of the world. So far nothing concerning her dad had happened since the first time, but I was still keeping my guard up. I didn't trust him to stay away from my girlfriend.

Our last show seemed to take forever before it was over, but that was only because I was literally counting down the seconds before I could see Y/N again. No matter how much we called each other or were able to FaceTime, it was never the same thing. My body craves for her touch nearly every second of every day. Somehow it was different from when we were on bad terms. Of course I wanted Y/N then but now it was amplified intensely to the point where I couldn't get through the day without imagining the second we were able to be together again. So as soon as the girls and I bid our goodbyes to the audience, I practically sprinted back to the dressing rooms so that I could be the first one to shower and get ready. I could hear the rest of the girls laughing behind me at my antics but you couldn't really blame me.

The faster I got ready, the faster I would be able to see Y/N. In all reality it didn't make sense because the plane left at the same time no matter what but a girl could still dream. I, nonetheless, quickly showered and dressed myself in some sweats and a hoodie so that I wouldn't be identified as easily at the airport. Sadly I wasn't allowed to use the private jet but I was happy that I was seeing my girlfriend anyways. I tied my still-dampened hair up into a messy bun on top of my head to keep it off my neck. As I walked out of the bathroom, I looked up to see the last person I had wanted to deal with at this moment. "Hey Lauren." Ty's deep voice rang throughout the dressing room as the other girls looked between us in humor. They knew I didn't really care for Ty but they liked to make fun of me for it when he wasn't around and when he was, they always seemed to think it was hilarious.

"Hey." The smile that was previously on my face disappeared. I just wanted to get out of here already, I didn't need this right now. "Why are you here?" I asked as I dropped my hands to my sides. I went to gather up my things so I could try to make a quick escape and to also show Ty that I couldn't really talk much. I didn't mean to sound so rude but I couldn't help it. I wasn't in the mood.

"I was just hoping to talk to you alone. Maybe we could grab some dinner or something." He commented as he watched grab my bag. I went over to the girls so that I could bid my goodbyes. They each stood up and gave me a hug before they went to mill around the dressing room. Ally was the next to head into the bathroom so that she was able to shower and do whatever. After saying goodbye to everyone in the dressing room, I headed outside to where a car was waiting to take me to the airport. Ty followed me all the way outside to the car and held open the door for me as I got in. His eyebrows were furrowed in confusion as to what I was doing.

"Sorry, I can't. I'm heading home for a while and I'm not sure when I'll be back." I scratched the back of my neck as I settled in my seat. Ty nodded his head and didn't say anything after that, so I was forced to speak again. "So yeah, I have to head to the airport now." The older man stepped away from the door as I reached to close it. I told the driver to begin the drive towards the airport as I saw Ty still standing in his spot. I was glad to get out of that without too much trouble and without taking up too much of my time. I really didn't want to be late and miss my flight, I would be devastated. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in as I prepared myself for the rest of the drive to the airport and the plane ride that would take over two hours.


By the time we had landed in the plane, I was practically bouncing in my seat. I just wanted to run right into the arms of my girlfriend and never let her go again. But then again I had to wait for everything to gather their carryons and take their time getting off of the goddamn plane before I was able to even step foot off the plane myself. I kept my head down so that I wouldn't be recognized as I walked through the airport towards the baggage claim. It didn't take long for my bags to arrive before I quickly grabbed them and made my way to catch a taxi just in time. I couldn't help the smile on my face that was permanently etched as the driver got me to my destination. I paid the man and grabbed my bags before heading up to Y/N's apartment where she hopefully didn't yet know I was coming. This whole plan was supposed to be a surprise and I hoped a fan didn't leak pictures of me leaving or anything that could possibly spoil that.

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