0.2 - once upon another time

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High-born's low intentions.

His chamber of the monster hierarchy was like a beautiful-looking fruit.

Being a civilian of his chamber was the biggest desire of all folks of lower sections.

Men of high-born with their positions in power and their so said "divine personalities" were like the soft flesh and the ladies of nobility in their royal dresses were like the red, welcoming core of an apple. Everything was so beautiful, everything was peaceful and pink for the outsiders.

But little did they know that all of this luxury and delicacy they showed outside was just a fragile mask made of poisonous lies to hide their on the same level poisonous intentions behind the closed doors.

Even the "purest" one of the high-borns has had an affair, has been a witness to a crime, or even the felon themselves, and maybe even worse. It was like an unwritten rule, a custom of this sick,  cursed chamber of life. The Royals had power upon the low, too much, to the point that they couldn't be satisfied with just going upon the lower ones, and began to abuse their reputation upon their own people; all in the name of being a royal.

He touched the tip of his hidden blade that was slightly showing behind his newly cut ring finger.

His chamber of the monster hierarchy was like a beautiful-looking fruit that has been eaten from inside by maggots and worms. And he was just another maggot that was exploiting the delicious flesh of royalty. And his crime of highness was not just a simple one like the other royal ones. Sometimes he was the heir to the throne. Sometimes he was an agent of The Order to leak them information.

He was two-faced. He was a traitor.

He was an Assassin.

And while carrying the most significant item of being an Assassin hidden under his sleeve, he still felt no shame about it.

Just another deviant. Just another rotten personality of the royalty, drunk in the idea that what he was doing was somehow beneficial to their kind.

"Prince Leo?"

Leo looked over his shoulder with a slight hint of fright in his eyes. When he saw who was the one behind, he felt both relieved and irritated.


Alfonso was the royal guard or whatever the hell his father called him. His father could've been thinking that Alfonso was a good person, along with providing good safety to them; but Leo knew. This "royal" guard standing right behind him was a pervert obsessed with taking advantage of subconscious girls.

"What is it that makes you be outside at this hour?"

Leo turned aside to face him and looked around if anyone, more importantly, if anything was watching. IRIS was off but three cameras were on the watch. Leo decided it was a convenient time, gathered himself and responded:


Without even the slightest of hesitation, Leo let his hidden blade out and pierced through the guard's chest. As the dead body fell to the ground Leo turned around himself and searched for the cameras on the watch. He looked right into one of the cameras' sight. The device recognized his purple iris and responded to his command and deleted the last records in its memory as if it never happened, as if no one died, as if Leo hadn't killed anyone. The guards were going to find the dead body tomorrow but it was not a problem.

Leo was not going to be someone of royalty the other day.

Then he heard a clicking sound. And in the blink of an eye, he realized what it was.

He looked around and saw it. Someone with a black cloak and a camera in their hand just recorded what had happened and had all the footage in their hand.

Leo let his hidden blade in its sheath and began running after his town crier.

He was thankful that it was nighttime when this was happening. Otherwise he would've aroused too much suspicion.

The prince, running after some person with a cloak. What is he thinking?

He shook off the thought and kept running after his next prey.

With adrenaline running through his veins, he caught the uninvited guest in no time. He held his hidden blade against the chased one's neck and took off his hood.

Leo felt that relief-irritation feeling once again at that night. It was Sky.

"What news, novice?"

Leo released Sky's cloak and walked idly in the narrow street.

"I thought we agreed that we weren't going to make pranks to each other."

"And I thought I said no."

Leo sighed. Even though Sky could be annoying sometimes, they were brothers; not by blood but by thought.

"Anyway, when's the meeting?"

Sky got rid of his sassy attitude and responded more seriously:

"I was just coming to collect you and then kind of just saw what happened."

Leo looked furiously into Sky's eyes.

"Don't even try to expose me to the Brotherhood."

Sky raised his hands, in an attempt to try calming Leo down.

"We know that he was not innocent. You won't be denied from us for killing him."

Sky looked at his watch. That vintage hippie was at it again. Who even used watches at that time when technology and electronics took over everything?

"The sun will rise in two hours. We should get going."

Leo nodded and followed Sky to the secret passage of their headquarters. The place was deserted with five or six people talking casually with each other. Most of the other Assassins were probably given their missions and got onto them, he thought.

"Leo, Sky; welcome."

David embraced them with the strange familiarity in his aura.

"Get ready. We will be beginning our meeting in five minutes."

After five minutes, the few people left in the headquarters were gathered around the roundtable. David began speaking. Their Brotherhood didn't have a specific leader but majority of the Assassins considered David as their leader and master.

"We're here for tonight to bring peace upon all of our people, the ones with peculiarity in their blood. We will break down this damned hierarchy and free every single monster from it."

He waited and checked if everyone was listening and then continued:

"Tomorrow, everything will change. An undercover genocide will take place against low-borns. We are at the edge of an unholy war between the royal and the low."

David looked at Leo with gratitude in his expression. This knowledge of starting a genocide was leaked by Leo.

"But we will put an end to this before it even gets a chance to begin. This morning, we will strike with the rise of the dawn and without sorting them by their places in the hierarchy, we will hunt down every person that has evil in their heart."

He waited once more to let his words invest in the listeners' minds.

"Go and rest now, my brothers. This times ahead us will tire us to the bones. May safety and peace bless us all in the end."

Leo quickly left the table without waiting for anyone, even Sky to leave the table first.

This dawn was going to be both the end of this and the beginning of something new, something presumably better.

The royal section was going to starve to death by its own hands.


self-indulgency? in my fic? it's more likely than you think.

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