0.4 - domain of the fallen

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Hate the sin. Hate the sinner more.

Ever since they, monsters, as a society existed; the civilians within the monsters' domain have always been secured with strict methods. For keeping their kind safe and secure, and to keep "humanity" out of their bloodlines.

Chop off the hand for stealing. Chop off the head for ill intentions.

Eye for an eye. Tooth for tooth.

But the cruelest one they held as a security method was not punishing those came inside someone but the ones that wrapped them from outside.

Every single individual born with the spoilt blood running in their veins was given a black tie at the moment they were out of the womb. High-borns' ties were made of quality leather and were tied to their necks, for it was harder to rip off leather and that it was hard to reach someone's neck. Low-borns, on the other hand, had their ties made of old black cloth and tied to their arms. All of them having ties tied to them meant they were all denied from humans and that they were one and the same and the tie black meant that they didn't hide under colorful masks, but embraced their true selves -the absence of colors and other useless ornaments.

The meaning of someone's tie breaking off was that they were no longer a part of the city's chambers.

The monsters as a community and as a whole held the very opportunity to learn love and coexist with all of their kind in peace; despite humans giving them nothing but constant hate during the time, the two kinds lived together. Alas, they turned it down.

The concept of "high" and "low" that settled down in their hierarchy was the product of the treatment they got from the lands which they walked amongst humans.

Pureblood ones who escaped from their human oppressors in the first place were the highest of their kind. As time got older and their descendants began to walk the Earth, their fall started to slowly appear. All those lived there was of spoilt blood but they didn't find it enough.

Normal this.

Normal that.

And in the end, those who resembled humans more fell to the lowest chambers.

Just like how humans praised "normality" and shamed "peculiarity", monsters praised "peculiarity" and shamed "normality".

Humans hated them once. Monsters deliberately accepted, embellished and put a cherry on it.

And even if they thought they completely got rid of humans, all their actions consisted of humanity.

He took a deep breath with the cold wind hitting to his face and squeezed his hand which held the torn black tie. It had been nearly three years since he lost his possibility to continue his life within the chambers. Nearly three years since he fell to the land of Renegades and those who never held the chance to be born with a tie.

He could've gotten rid of the remains from his citizenship and forget all this tragedy to begin anew like a fallen phoenix. He refused to, however. It was like a wound that formed a crust. You wanted it to heal, but you couldn't help scratching and making it bleed again.

He watched from afar, from there which was alive in a way that no one could see, yet demised in a way no one could understand; how the low chamber's lights and high tech was ending just next to their long forgotten domain. The domain of the fallen.

And just like that, both were going to leave an ugly scar.

He sat on a seat of the only bus stop they had around at that time. The road -if you can call it like that- wasn't paved and there was only one bus that stopped at their stop. Sometimes some Renegades they had around would get on that bus and after that, they were never heard of again.

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