Chapter ?? Odd #

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Frosty interlaces his fingers with mine as we amble down the road. The sky is darkening, which makes the pink streaks across it seem more prominent. It's cold--fall making its presence known. I try not to shiver, and thankfully Frosty doesn't notice.

He suddenly stops and I bump into shoulder. "Do you hear that?"

I tilt my head and listen. The street is empty of traffic. Above us, the street light flickers, dousing us in darkness before washing it away again. I don't hear anything unusual at first, but then I hear it. Soft, feminine whimpering coming from the end of the alley way a yards ahead of us. I draw my gun and burst forward, Frosty trying to grab my hand and pull me back but unable to stop me.

I turn the corner into the alleyway. Rage tightens my muscles. A man has a woman pressed against a wall. His hands are groping underneath he shirt and she's crying.

"Hey!" I shout, running forward. The man jumps away, his ugly gaze hardening when he sees me.

He sends the woman flying backwards with a sharp punch to the jaw and then pulls out a gun. He cocks it and points at me. I keep running forward, determined to say that girl like I was too scared to save myself.

Pop! Pop! The first bullet grazes my chin, the second misses. Frosty yells my name. I'm only a few yards away when Frosty catches up to me. The man is already pulling the trigger, except the gun is now pointed at Frosty.

No. This can't be happening. Pop! I throw myself in front of him. Frosty yells something and shoves me away. My head cracks against the concrete. Pain lances through my skull, making it hard to see and focus, but I lift my head in time to see Frosty drop to the ground as a bullet sinks into his shoulder.

"No!" I scream, forcing myself to my feet and throwing myself onto the shooter. He yells and grunts as I slam my fists into his body until his eyes roll back into his skull and my knuckles split. The woman is unconscious on the asphalt, the bruise on the side of her head swollen. I'll take care of Frosty, then her. Oh my god.

I stumble back over to Frosty. His eyes are closed, his skin ghostly white, and blood pumping out of a wound in his shoulder. I don't see another bullet hole.

"No no no," I babble, pulling off his shirt, tearing it, and binding his shoulder. I am covered in sweat, my head throbs, and my cheek is bleeding from where the bullet grazed me.

Still, I persist, until Frosty is stable enough for me to move him. I swallow back the sobs building up in my throat, but tears still manage to find their way down onto my cheeks. I pull out my phone and call the police.

"There is an unconscious woman in the alleyway behind the Books and Bean coffee shop on Waterman Road. Her attacker is there, also unconscious. They need medical attention."

I hang up, smash the phone to pieces and remove the Sim card and battery, which I'll dispose of soon. Shaking, I hoist Frosty up and loop his arms behind my shoulder. I bite my lip and consider where to go.

"Come on," I murmur. "Think."

I can try to go to Cole's but I don't have a vehicle, and Frosty may not make it in time for me to look for his truck. But the base...the base is only about a five minute walk from here, and it could take an hour to find Frost's truck, especially if he's unconscious.

I close my eyes. I can do this. They will help Frosty, I'll make sure of it. I'll do whatever it takes. Even if it means I may get hurt.

Squaring my jaw, I redistribute Frosty's weight on my shoulders and hurry down the dark roads, sticking to alleyways to avoid being seen. Eventually, I get to the large apartment complex where the base is. I head to the back, behind the courtyard, where loud music blares and the big stone gate is.

I take a deep breath and shove it open. Immediately, all eyes turn to me. I watch, pained, as my old crew's faces contort in anger. Finally, Jason, the temporary leader until River comes back, steps forward, arms crossed.

"Camilla Marks," he says. "What do you think you're doing here?"

"I need help," I say. The music shuts off, and my words spark laughter in its place.

"We don't help those who work for Anima," Jason says coldly, beckoning two of the fighters forward. They stand by his side. "Escort her out."

"Wait," I cry. "Help Frosty. He's part of Cole Holland's crew. He was shot. Do whatever you want to me, just heal him."

Jason chews over the words. "Jamie, get the boy to the sick room. Have Maya check on him."

Jamie, a fighter, steps up and with the help of his cousin Levi, they cart Frosty away.

"Thank you," I sigh quietly, putting my hands up. "I'll leave now."

Jason steps forward and grabs my arm as I turn around towards the gates. The crowd thickens around me. Jason urges me backwards. "You're not going anywhere. Lie and die, betray and pay, remember?"

I swallow. "River--"

"River issued a warrant for your imprisonment three months ago. He hasn't changed that request since. You're staying with us."

I stumble backward, but someone shoves me back to Jason. I fall hitting my knees.

"Boys," Jason says.

Three people that I can't see the faces of surround me. The crowd jeers and crows at me. I'm kicked onto my stomach, so that I'm flat on the ground. More feet slam into my rib cage until I am short of breath. My injured cheek is burning as it is pressed into the dirt. Then, my hands are twisted behind my back and tied there. Jason is yelling something that I can't make out. My body is ravaged by pain. I'm hoisted up by my underarms, and then my legs are bound together with thick rope. My arms are squeezed so hard they are numb as I am dragged to where the cages are. We head inside, then downstairs to the large, dirt-walled basement.

I am taken to the worst of the worst prison cell. The floor is made up of wooden bark like what you would see on a playground. The bars are too close to even stick my hand through. The people holding me literally throw me into the cell. Bark stabs into me. The cage is locked behind me, and a few moments later, the lights flicker off. It doesn't matter. Darkness is already fogging my mind. It isn't long before I pass out.

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