Chapter 2

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We are just leaving Hearts--an exclusive owned by Reeve--when my phone chimes with a reply from Camilla. I chide myself for the small spark of excitement that popped in my chest, unlock the screen, and read the text. My mouth dries.

K. I'm not feeling well. Think I'm sick.

Does it have anything to do with thanatós?

I hastily type back.

Are you OK?

Even after several minutes, no response. I wait five more and type, clenching my teeth to keep from yelling at Cole to drive faster.

Milla. What's wrong?

Look, sry I ditched U. But PLZ answer.

Still no response. By the time we get back to the mansion, my nerves are taught. I jump out of the Jeep and almost run up to my room. As I am half-jogging up the stairs, I pass two of River's crew. I think their names are Eric and Roger.

I shoulder past them, cutting off their conversation. A snippet of wharf Eric was saying lingers in my mind: "She cried the whole time, but I got her to come for me. Poor Ca--"

That was when my shoulder interrupted him. Eric stumbles when he sees me.

"H-hey Frosty," he mumbles, and quickly nudges Roger to continue down the stairs.

I don't care much for the conversation, and finally make it to my bedroom. The door is closed, and the room is dark when I open it. The sheets are pushed back, the pillows on the floor, and light is spilling in from the bathroom. There's no sign of Milla.

That is, until I enter the bathroom. I erupt into curses when I see her. Milla is sprawled across the bathroom floor, head lopsided, eyes closed, and lips parted. I kneel next to her, calling her name.

"Milla!" I say. "Milla, what happened? Are you okay? Wake up."

She doesn't move. I feel for a pulse. It's fluttery. I curse, pushing myself out of my body. I try to summon heat to my body. The barest of flames crackle on my fingers. I push them into Milla's chest. She jolts, but the flames disappear and she sags against the floor.

I slide my arms beneath her and lift her up, fear pulsing through me. Please be okay. Please be okay.

I jog through the hallways, trying not to jostle her. As I run, I pass Ali walking down the hallway. She gasps and keeps pace beside me.

"Frosty? What happened?"

"I don't know," I grit. Ali breaks off, turning right where I am turning left.

"I'm going to find River," Ali calls.

I nod. Good, she'll want to see her brother. Milla begins to stir in my arms.

"Frosty...let me go...I want Frosty...stop," she mumbles.

Her words make no sense to me.

"Get off...please...don't...please..."

My heart is slamming against my chest. What happened? Is this a memory of her childhood or whatever knocked her out?

Suddenly, Milla starts shaking. I hold her closer to my chest. Her face is contorted in pain, but it's not from me.

I finally make it to the sick room/laboratory. Reeve appears by my side, asking me questions as I ease Milla onto a hospital bed. I tell Reeve what I know, which is that Milla said she was sick before I found her.

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