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All I can clearly remember about what happened is shoving Milla aside as the thug sent bullets sinking into my arm. After that, all I felt was fire. The world careened sideways and so did I, smacking my head on the asphalt. My shoulder had to be melting. It felt like a hot poker was being stabbed into my skin.

After that, all I can recall is flashes. Me being dragged through darkness, then loud music that quickly cut off, and finally waking up in a hospital room that was only vaguely familiar. Which is what is happening now.

"Where am I?" I ask the teenage girl in the room. She is mopping the floor with some sickly smelling chemical.

She turns to me. Her face  is striking, her skin coal black, and her features sharp but feminine and pretty. Her hair is half shaved on one side, and the other is curls. A snake tattoo curls around her head where it is shaved. "You're at River's base. Camilla brought you here."

My heartbeat jumps. That's not good. Not for Milla. "Where is she? Is she okay?"

My eyelids are heavy as the girl peers down at me. "She left after she brought you here. It was either that or they were going to imprison her. I'm Maya, by the way."

Cool. Don't care. "I need to go find her." I try to sit up, but splashes of black invade my vision. "She could be hurt."

"You need to stay here until you are completely healed. Jason's orders."

Fuck that. "Jason?"

"He's in charge until River gets back. I have to listen. I'm sorry."

"Let me out," I demand, realizing that my hands are cuffed to the bedside.

"I can't. I don't have the keys. And I'm not allowed," she insists. I curse under my breath.

"Find me someone who can then."

Maya ignores me, continuing mopping. As I watch the rhythmic sway of the object, I feel my eyelids continuously get heavier. It isn't long until before I am sleeping again.

Hours later, I awaken. The room is empty. I try to sit up, before remembering I am still cuffed. The once fierce burning in my shoulder has faded to a throb. Blinking to clear the sleep from my eyes, I look around. The other beds in here are unoccupied. The room is blindingly white, and their are no windows. I shift in my bed. If somebody doesn't come unlock these damn cuffs...

Eventually, my request is answered. A muscled guy half an inch shorter than me with black hair and brown eyes unlocks me from my bed. He pulls a chair up to my bedside as I sit up.

"Where's Milla?" I ask instantly.

The guy's eyes darken to almost black. "The bitch left."

I'm up in a second, shoving my fist into this idiot's jaw. "Her name is Milla and you will call her so."

The guy glowers up at me. "First off, don't ever fucking touch me again. Second of all, I'm Jason, and I'm in charge around here until River gets back. So back the fuck off and let me speak."

I sit back down again, shoulder pulsing with pain at the sudden movement. "What happened?"

Jason sighs and runs his fingers through his hair. "It's like I told you. The girl dragged your ass here yesterday night. She wanted to stay, but we made her leave. We don't host betrayers here. We haven't been able to get in touch with River or Holland."

 I grit my teeth. "Why was I cuffed? And why the hell would you make her leave?"

Jason rolls his eyes. "She brought you here. For all we know, you work with her for Anima. And it was that or we imprison her, as River requested be done. And just so you know, our imprisonment here is not just a night in the cage. We believe in paying in blood or pain. Milla's lucky as it is."

"River requested her to be imprisoned if she came here?" The douchebag. Acting like he cared about her, then having her be imprisoned. "And by the way, Milla doesn't work for Anima. She's my bodyguard."

He snorts. "Great bodyguard she is. Letting you get shot."

I grit my teeth. "She tried to take the bullet. I pushed her out of the way."

He looks surprised, but also like he doesn't believe me. Whatever. It's true. "Look, we have some supplies for you. We can have someone escort you back to wherever the hell you came from if you don't know. Whenever you want to leave, leave."

"I want to go now. And no, I don't know how to get back into town."

I had trailed Milla up here, half an hour away from Cole's. I don't know how she got me here, or where exactly River's crew is. 

Jason leads me to a warehouse full of supplies, after sending one of his people to grab me clean clothes. In only half an hour, I'm sitting in the passenger seat of an SUV, waiting for my escort. It's a girl I don't recognize. She hops behind the wheel and starts the engine.

"Jason's a liar, you know. Be careful around him."

Before I can get her to elaborate, she bumps the music up and we are off.

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