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Because of the incidents, I am extre careful to make sure to call Jiwoo twice a day.

I call her in the evening again. I am super worried about her.

I have to go to the dance studio to teach some private classes and after them, I come back and lay down. I wake up next morning.

"Y/N, get up!" Tae shouts. I slowly open my eyes. I see Tae sitting opposite to me and smiling at me. "How do I look?"

"You look pretty. Where are you going?" I sit up and yawn.

"I have to go with my parents. I completely forgot to tell you about my brother's show at school. Gotta go now, bye!" She gets up rushes out the door.

I get ready for the date with Jimin. I wear black jeans and a beautiful peach shirt. I tie my hair up in a ponytail and head to the living room.

The doorbell rings and I open it to see Jimin standing there. "Hey! Let's go?" He asks smiling widely at me.

I nod and smile at him. We walk down and go out to a nearby restaurant.

"You haven't had your breakfast yet, right?" He asks as we sit down. It's a beautiful traditional old style restaurant.

"It's too early." I laugh and look at him. "We're college students, remember? You really think I'll wake up earlier than this."

"Just asking. What do you want?" He smiles and points towards the menu.

"Whatever you're having." I put down the menu. "I can't choose. They are all too good."

I keep my hands on my lap and my purse napkin falls down. I bend down to pick it up.

My eyes suddenly catch light coming from Jimin's phone's screen. I look at it carefully to see that there is a call coming on.

The name on top is Jungkook. Why would Jimin have the call going on now? What too to Jungkook?

I sit straight and smile at him. What is he hiding? What's the deal with them?

"So, is there anything interesting that happened before the exams?" He asks me leaning forward.

"No. Nothing. Why do you ask?" I lean forward and keep my head on my palms.

"Just asking. So, how long have you been working for?" He smiles.

What's the deal with you, Park Jimin? "I have been working for three years." I return the smile.

The waitress returns and serves the food. Jimin ordered noodles for both of us.

"Thank you!" We say together to the old lady who bows and smiles brightly before going.

"Looks delicious." I say as I take the first slurp. "Yum. Jiwoo would love this. I should bring her here sometime."

"You definitely should." He says smiling at my greediness. "You look so cute while doing that."

"Eating? You're so funny." I laugh at his statement.

He shrugs and shakes his head before eating his food. "You do."

We eat while randomly looking at each other and smiling. It felt good to spend time with him. Maybe, I am starting to like him? But, I still don't know what's up with him and Jungkook.

We finished eating and he pays for the food and we head out. I grab his hand and drag him to a ice cream parlour.

"I am buying us desert. You're not too full, right?" I stand near the counter to order.

"There is no such thing as full when it comes to desert. Get ready to spend at least a billion." He jests and keeps his hand on my shoulder.

"That looks good. Which one are you having?" He asks. His face is next to mine.

"Want something cutesy? That Instagram special looks good." I say as I try to act nonchalant.

"Sure." He moves closer. I don't want to move away. I place our order and wait.

There are not many people in the parlour so we easily get seats after getting the ice cream.

"Photo first. It called an Instagram special for a reason." I say as Jimin eyes the ice cream.

He pouts and I laugh at him. I quickly take a couple of pics and take a spoonful of the ice cream.

"Say ahh!" I tell Jimin. He smiles at me and opens his mouth. I keep the spoon in his mouth and giggle.

"This so cringeworthy." I say and laugh.

"It's cute." Jimin says after swallowing the ice cream. "It's tasty. Try it!"

I take a spoonful and put it in my mouth. "I agree. Yum. Okay, Jiwoo needs to come here. She hasn't come to this side of the city."

"You talk about her a lot. You are really fond of her, huh?" He smiles at me and wipes away some ice cream from my lips and licks it off his fingers.

My cheeks turn a bright shade of red. I nod and look down. I continue eating.

"Is she coming to live with you for the vacations? Her high school has vacations from tomorrow, right?" He asks.

How on earth did he know that? There is something fishy about the popular boys.

"Yeah. Maybe. I'll ask her. She is joining our university after the vacations." I explain. "She is turning nineteen next week."

"So you guys have a three year gap?" He asks. I nod. "Jungkook and Jiwoo have only a two year gap." He exclaims.

"Yup." I agree and we finish the ice cream. We get out and walk along the sidewalk.

"Want to go to the riverside with me? It's really beautiful." I ask him as we walk aimlessly.

"Sure." He says and intertwines his fingers with mine. I blush and look down for a moment and we continue to walk towards the river.

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