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Jimin arrived at the party, he was wearing a nice but classy outfit, and just as he walked in he was already catching the eyes of many individuals. He pushed through the crowd, making his way towards the bar, where the drinks were being served. 

Jimin looked at the mass of people, some dancing against each other, others alone, some simply drinking, Jimin scanned through the crowd looking for his friends, but they were no where to be seen.

"One martini please" He called towards the barista as he waved his hand slightly in the air, catching his attention, and with a short nod, the man went of to make his drink.

Jimin stayed at the bar for what seemed like a century, constantly scanning around for people he knew, failing every time. So he decided to pull out his phone and text Jungkook, since the boy said he was coming


Where are you?

Jimin stared down at the screen, hoping that Jungkook would connect soon, but he didn't. The elder boy soon got bored of waiting around for the friends that weren't showing up and so he decided to go and have a little fun of his own for a bit.

He got off his chair and slowly made his way towards the main dance floor where everyone seemed to be.

The alcohol started to kick in as he began to swiftly move his body, pressing himself up against some random person, they didn't seem to mind as he kept on dancing to the beat of the music playing in the distance. 

The guy he was dancing with was extremely good Jimin had to admit, his body was moving in godlike manners and he was very captivating to the shorter male, but soon the unknown person began to get closer to him, leaving little to no space between both boys, Jimin was about to pull away when he thought 'Why?'

It felt wrong to be so close to this unknown guy but he didn't know why, he felt as if he was betraying someone, but who?

But that thought was soon dismissed from his brain as he grabbed the boy by the collar of his shirt, starring deep into his eyes as he gave a seductive look, already implying thought in the others mind, after a while of teasing Jimin began leading him away from the crowd and into one of the bedrooms in the immense house.

The two half drunk boys made their way up the stairs, pushing one another as they giggled and exchanged lustful looks, Jimin found the first door in the hallway, placing his hand on the cold doorknob and turning it causing it to swing  open, leading the other in with him.

But when he turned to look at the bed in the middle of the room, his face fell, the colour in his body almost instantly drained and a look of horror and disgust was replaced on the boys face. 

For on the bed, half naked, lay the one person he wished was not there.

Taehyung was on top of a man, his arms grabbing the other persons and the both boys shirtless, it took Jimin a second to realise who it was, but it all suddenly clicked when he saw the bunny like features, the toned abs and the perfect soft skin.

Jeon Jungkook


I forgot about this book lmao sORRY

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