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It's been a year since Jimin and Jungkook last spoke, they completely lost contact.

This was mostly because Jimin was being petty, Jungkook would text him everyday, begging for forgiveness. For acceptance, or at least to be friends again. But Jimin was being stubborn. And soon enough the poor broken boy forgot about Jimin and tried to move on.

One whole year. And neither of the two were happy, neither of the two had fully moved on from what had happened. Some may say "yea it wasn't that deep" or "it only happened once and they weren't even a thing" but it still hurt. 

They still cried and mourned, they still re-read the text messages that unified them oh so badly. They still despised how whipped they were for each other.

But they never admitted it.

And they slowly faded.

But the love didn't.


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