Chapter 2: Empathy

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It had been at least a month- maybe two?- now since you'd been stuck here with your deranged captor. Your imprisonment by him was a betrayal, a deep one. Before this you had liked him, truly cared for him, but now he had taken your freedom... and you hated him for it.

As a physical specimen, he was nothing to write home about. If it came down to an altercation, you were almost certain you could take him. However, your enemy was intelligent. He always stayed a step ahead, making sure to inform you what would happen if you tried to escape right then. He must have been able to read the glint in your eyes when the schemes crossed your mind. Most of the time he kept you chained to something, making sure the key was hidden in another room so you'd think twice about striking him down in a murderous rage. The very thought of starving to death just out of freedom's reach seemed to make you compliant enough for his tastes. He knew what his shortcomings were and strategically acted to plan around them... save for one weakness.

It was a strange and unpredictable relationship you were in, complex and confusing. After a few escape attempts ending in disaster for you, you had decided to play it safe for a while. You obeyed him, did things he asked, made no reckless attempts to harm him or escape. You were afraid of what he was capable of. However, a strange sort of phenomenon was occurring. For a cold-blooded psycho, he seemed to empathize far too much with his captive. He actually looked sad when you were sad, if you cried he cried with you (even if he had been the one who caused you pain). He wept hard the day he broke your legs, as if it was the most painful obligation he'd ever faced. That seemed... weird, didn't it?

You swirled your tea absentmindedly as you reflected on it. You replayed the last month or so in your mind, noting how he responded to your actions. Your first escape had been careless. After two to three weeks of pretending to warm up to him, you persuaded him to let you take a leisurely stroll through the park together. During those long nights where he came crawling into your bed begging for affection you had noticed something: his misshapen ankles. At that moment, the plan had formed in your mind. He couldn't outrun you and you were sure of it. What you hadn't predicted was the fucker having a tranquilizer gun to compensate for his deformity. You awoke to his pitiful cries, beseeching you to stay with him. Of course you lied and said you would. The second time though, he was much less forgiving...

Yoon Bum truly hated hurting you in any way, but in these cases he found it a much better alternative than losing you. He'd been in your shoes (...and skirt). He knew exactly how much abuse he was willing to tolerate for Sangwoo's love, so he knew exactly where to draw the line with you.

He had even recreated his rat poison scenario with you, giving you the "opportunity" just so he could outsmart you if you decided to try it. He knew the key in getting you to stay was fear. Fear was what kept him holed-up even when he clearly had an opportunity to run. If you believed he could read your movements and predict your schemes, you'd be less likely to risk them in the future. But to his absolute delight, his wonderful love had never even thought to poison him.

'The rat poison's effects are due to the blood thinning properties of Coumadin... but how much it affects a person is based on the dose... Assuming the worst-case scenario where Bum gets suspicious and makes me eat the food too, this plan would backfire immediately. ...But he's thin. He definitely weighs less than me... Would that subtle bit of weight difference be enough to kill him and not me? No... I'd probably die too. ...I could eat a whole bunch of Vitamin K to reverse the effects. Maybe I can convince him that I'm vitamin deficient and he'll go buy me some supplements? ...But he might see through that. And if I hold on to these pills for more than a day or two, he'll catch me for sure and punish me. It's not worth it. I can't use this...'

Yoon Bum's heart soared when he found the bottle of poison in the trash that day.

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