Chapter 13: Coup

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It was dinnertime. The kitchen was silent; no trace of the lighthearted conversations that once echoed these grounds. The dead body lay cold and ignored in the hallway; it's not like it was going anywhere... Bum let you nowhere near the kitchen knife, as you expected. He was the one cooking today, which was nice. One less menial chore you had to do in this hellhole. He frequently glanced at you over his shoulder, obviously paranoid that you were out to get him. It's not like you could really blame him though. You were.

The silly man was always so myopic. As if you weren't always a step ahead of him. You wondered if he would have prepared something different if he knew this would be his last meal. He set the food before you, eying you from across the table.

"I hope you like it." He said, trying to smile. Your wrist shackles clanked against the wood as you moved to take a bite. "I... love you..." He mumbled meekly. You said nothing. His lips set into a sad line when he received no reciprocation. You reached across the plate with your dominant hand and the chain caught the edge of the dish, effectively pulling the entire meal into your lap.

"Oh!" You stumbled out of the chair as the hot food dripped down your clothing.

"Ah! Are you alright?" Bum immediately came to your side. "Let me get you a towel or something."

"It's fine. I'll just change." You gazed at the laundry room, then held up your wrists.


"I can't change my shirt unless you unchain me." You said simply. He chewed his lip in hesitation and you heaved an exasperated sigh. "If you're that scared of me, Bum, go hide the knife first."

"..." He frowned, looking terribly guilty. "N-no... That's not necessary..." He went and retrieved the key, stepping back quickly when you were unleashed. To his relief, you crawled towards the laundry room.

"Don't look." You stated coldly in order to get him out of the room. He hung his head in disappointment and obeyed. He knew your physical intimacies were going to be the first things to go when he made the decision to lock you up, but it still hurt so much to be rejected that way.

Once he was securely out of sight, you set the plan in motion. Lodged snugly within the confines of your bra was a tiny bottle. Linseed oil: one of the most flammable household substances in existence. Also... an effective thinning agent for oil paints. The raven-haired fool had spun his own tale's end, and at the loom of his very own gifts to you. It seemed poetic justice that his weakness for your love would ultimately be his undoing. Some part of you found this unnecessarily cruel, to which the other, more spiteful side of you replied, 'I am minus two functioning legs.'

The matches had been easy enough to acquire. Lots of useful little tools resided in the prison he called a basement. You doused the pile of clothes in the viscous yellow liquid and lit the match. There was no going back now. With a more-theatrical-than-necessary flick of the wrist, they all went up in flames. The sudden heat made you recoil backwards, startling you from the immediate ferocity of its ignition.

"BUM! HELP!" You cried out as smog filled the tiny room and leaked into the kitchen.

"AHH!" He yelped upon seeing the blaze. "What happened?!" He had trouble seeing you through the rising blackness.

"I'M STUCK!" You hollered with false panic. He immediately ran towards the sea of flames. The curtains had already caught and were blazing with hot orange incandescence. You winced when you tripped him with your battered legs, causing him to stumble straight into the washing machine with a loud metal thud. Before he had the chance to gain his bearings you pulled him down to the floor. Pinned helplessly to his back, he couldn't stop your hands from constricting around his neck. The thick air was suffocating, ashen torridity burning your lungs as you held him down. Tears flowed from his wide eyes as he struggled and gasped for oxygen. His weak voice rang out amongst the crackling flames, strained and begging.

"F/N! Save me! *gasp* Please! ACK!" Your eyes began to water as you held him on the floor, surely from the oxidized soot and unbearable sweltering heat of the raging inferno. "I love you! S- ave me!" You hesitated, but then a loud sickly groaning noise echoed throughout the walls, the house itself was crying. You looked up and before you could react a beam came crashing-


"UWAAH!" You startled hard and sat upright, heaving in breaths. You could feel the warm wet tears pouring from your eyes, heart pumping hard in your chest. '...Was it all just a dream?'   You gulped down air and tried to collect yourself. 'It all felt so real...' A sad pitiful noise escaped your throat. In the pitch darkness of the basement you couldn't help but relive the broken-hearted look on Yoon Bum's face as you held him down in the fire. The image was so vivid that you felt a fresh round of tears welling up again. Why did that hurt you so much to witness?

"F/N?" A familiar voice echoed down to your level and you squinted when the room flooded with light. "Are you alright?"

"Bum?" A pleasant relief washed over you like a calming rain to douse the swirling fire. You looked up, so happy to see him. But then... you weren't...

"I heard you scream." He knelt down in front of your mattress, brows turned upwards in concern. "Oh! You're crying! What's wrong?" He moved forward to wipe your tears, take you in his arms out of habit, but you flinched away. You were still mad at him for locking you here, after all.

"It's nothing... Just a bad dream..." How upsetting it all was. Your jaw set in frustration. Even in your dream, at that last fateful instant you faltered. The moment of truth had come... and you hesitated. The ending of his life wasn't a relief to you as you thought it would be. It... made you sad. 'Why...'  You clenched your fists and Bum saw you visibly shaking.

"F/N?" He asked delicately.

"GYAH! Why can't I do it?!" You bent over in emotional agony and let out a cry into the mattress. "Why can't I fucking do it?!!" You hated yourself. Why could you only bring yourself to pity him, not hate him? He was a monster, a feral animal, a disaster, a stalker and a kidnapper. More than enough justification for a normal person to put him out of his misery. And yet...

"Ah-uh... It was just a dream, F/N..." His fingertips brushed the top of your tense hand. "L-let me make you some hot tea or something-" You swatted his hand away.

"Dammit, Bum! Stop pretending like you care!" You barked and he flinched back, landing on his butt.

"Ah... B-but I do!"

"You don't chain someone you care about in a basement!"

"B-but... That's... You..."

"Let me go."

"Ah! I... can't." Your resulting lethal stare frightened him. "This... isn't forever. It's just until I know I can trust you again..."

"I've killed for you and you still won't trust me?! Fuck you, Bum! You don't deserve my love!"

He flinched. That piercing arrow had lodged itself right into his heart. There was nothing he hated more than displeasing you. That's why he had given so many freedoms to you over these months, even if they positively wracked him with anxiety. His whole life had been filled with disappointing people. He couldn't bear to do it to his lover too. But... if he did what you asked now, it very well might lead to his demise. He stood up with a newfound resilience. As much as it pained you both, this arrangement was for the best. You had come around before; it was only a matter of time before you would do it again. Surely if he played his cards right, you would trip and fall back in love with him once more. He knew how forgiving and kind you were.

"I'll come back when you've decided to behave..." He stated simply, tone cold and distant. Your lips curled in anger.

"You're disgusting."

"..." He stopped dead in his tracks and turned his head. "...What did you say?"

Yoon Bum x Reader: MindfuckeryWhere stories live. Discover now