Chapter 4: Scars

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That night continued to churn the gears of your brain. Something was definitely off about your captor. It's not as if you'd ever been kidnapped before so you didn't really have a solid comparison to go on, but you were convinced Yoon Bum was not the norm. What kind of rapist stops raping you just because you get upset? Not a single example came to your mind. This felt like one of those first time occurrences in an infinite universe and you had no idea what to make of it. Other peculiar behaviors began to pile on, forming a string of anomalies and heightening your confusion all the more.

Anytime a kerfuffle would arise between you two, the results would always be the same. He would cry and beg your forgiveness. Your roles in this holocaust of a relationship reversed much more often than what you would consider typical. A master should demand social graces from his slave, not humbly plead for it, right? And why should he care if his slave is happy? That was another question that came to your mind this morning when you found a bundle of golden roses by your bedside, accompanied by a hearty hot breakfast.

You blinked in surprise, noting that your wrist shackles had been removed during your slumber. You stretched out, feeling the usual dull ache in your legs. You munched a bit on the balanced meal before taking a sip of the mystery drink next to it. It was clearly a nutritious smoothie made with the freshest fruit. The light faulty patter of feet echoed the hall and your master appeared through the doorway. When you looked up, he averted your eyes immediately. You imagined an awkward tween boy asking a girl to prom couldn't appear any more demure.

"I uhm... thought it might be hard on your legs to get to the kitchen, so... I brought your food in here..."

"Thank you." You placated flatly. It wasn't the forgiving hug that Yoon Bum so desperately craved, but it also wasn't the scathing rejection he anticipated either. It allowed him to be so bold as to ask another question.

"Can I... eat with you?"

'Again with this asking-your-prisoner-for-permission weirdness?'

"Yes." You replied. Bum still hesitated at your tone, but humbly moved towards you to sit down- like a dog who just broke a vase. There was a long silence where you both quietly ate. Yoon Bum felt like he was being torn apart from the inside. He wanted nothing more than for you to stroke his hair, tell him he's good and that you forgive him.

"I'm sorry..." He whispered, resisting the urge to place his hand atop yours. "Last night I... didn't realize how much I was hurting you..."

'I fucking TOLD you, idiot.' You thought, but knew better than to say it. Irking the man with a noose and a sledgehammer would have clearly proven you the even bigger idiot. You wanted to just shrug and acknowledge his apology. It's not like pretty words and a nice breakfast would un-kidnap you and un-break your legs. But some underlying instinct kicked in, and you decided to take your answer one step further anyway. "I forgive you." Instantly you saw him gawk in surprise.

"Really?! You mean it?!" When you nodded, his dark eyes filled up with joyful tears. "You're so perfect, F/N! You're my angel. I don't deserve you..." He clambered onto your lap and laid his head on your legs, sniffling happily when your gentle hand rested in his hair. He sighed and curled up his legs, clumsily bumping the small table in the process. A flash of silver light caught your eye: an opportunity. The knife he'd used to cut the sausage landed on the bed without a sound, mere inches from your hand.

You were unchained, unsuspecting captor lying supine and childlike beneath your now-empowered hands. This was it, the perfect few seconds to end his miserable existence. One hand traced soothing patterns along his bony back as your other hand slipped slowly out of his dark locks. The handle of the knife fit comfortably in your grasp and you eyed his back rising and falling, wondering between which pair of his ribs you would land the finishing blow. You heard him sigh again, that sickly sweet love-struck sigh you hear so often, completely unaware of the lethal blade that was seconds away from plunging into his thorax.

He shifted a bit and you tightened your grip on the knife. He nuzzled your thigh and relaxed again, arm falling slack before your eyes. His thin, scarred wrists caught the sunlight. Your body halted before you struck. You clenched your teeth in annoyance at yourself. You had seen his many disfigurements before, so they shouldn't suddenly bother you now. Did you stop because you pitied him?

No... it was more than that. There was something else that stayed your hand. Yes, his slit wrists were indicative of self-harm... but the rest of his injuries... Beyond a doubt, similar abuse must have befallen him to result in scars like that. It had taken you until now to realize... exactly why his actions seemed so out of place. It's because these psychotic acts weren't part of his true nature. They were trained. That means... they can be un-trained...

'No! I need to get out of here NOW!'  You resolved, holding the knife high. But your conscience wouldn't allow it. Your hand shook and tears spilled from your eyes. 'Why can't I do it?!'  You had read about Stockholm syndrome before, it was no concept new to you, but this was different. This situation felt akin to euthanizing an abused puppy. His eagerness to please you was comparable nothing else in your mind. The creature didn't need to be put down; it needed to be rehabilitated. After another few seconds of internal strife, you let out a pathetic whimper and put the knife back down. It was only now that Bum attentively snapped his head up to look at you.

"Oh! You're crying!" He sat up abruptly and looked you over with a careful gaze. "I'm so sorry! Are you in pain? What do you need?"

"It's nothing, Bum. I'm fine." A sob for your escaped freedom had to work its way out of your system.

"Please tell me." He leaned in and wiped your tears away with his thumbs. "What can I do to make you happy again?"

It was just as you expected a moment ago, your moment of clarity had been instantly vindicated. He couldn't hide- not that he tried- his overwhelming desire to please you. It was so obvious now, his heart had grown soft for you. Perhaps it had always been, but it was only now that you could see it too. That was his weakness. That was your ticket out of here.

You decided it was time to experiment...

Yoon Bum x Reader: MindfuckeryWhere stories live. Discover now