Chapter 11: Pitfalls

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"Mmf... thirsty..." While entangled in blankets and limbs, you noticed that your mouth was bone dry. Bum lay still and near-comatose beside you in the pitch darkness, one arm and one leg draped limp over your body. Half asleep you toppled off the mattress and made your way to the kitchen. The effects of the alcohol were still very present and you were almost shocked you didn't wake your companion with how loud your fumbled movements in the kitchen were. Honestly it could have woken the dead.

You knew if you didn't rehydrate, you would surely be hungover in the morning. You chugged two tall glasses of water before laying your dizzy head down on the floor. "Cold..." You wanted Bum's warmth but the bedroom felt like a dauntingly long and strenuous crawl, and you were exhausted. For a moment you considered calling out to him to bring you a blanket. That way you could sleep right there in the kitchen, but it didn't feel right to trouble him. He looked so peaceful sleeping there. You glanced around with heavy eyelids, finally finding a fantastic solution to your drunken predicament.


"Mmm..." Yoon Bum moaned. "Ow..." His head was throbbing and the sunlight hurt his eyes as it cast its unwelcomed assault on the bedroom. "F/N?" He noted your absence from his side and looked around. While rubbing his eyes he slowly stood, body aching from that simple action. 'I hope she's making breakfast...' He traipsed into the kitchen, balance wavering. The deafening silence of your missing presence snapped him out of his tired stupor. "F/N?!" His eyes widened and he shot rapid glances around the room. "Ah!" He threw open the wardrobe, sprinting down the stairs to the basement. Empty. "Oh, god, no! This can't be happening!"

With shallow panicked breaths Bum ran upstairs to the second floor. No one. He clutched his chest, trying to calm his frantic heart. "Gone... She's gone!" It hurt so deeply. He was alone again, abandoned. "No! Not again!" He was shaking so badly he almost didn't make it back down the stairs. "F/N! F/N!" He called out to you again, tears streaming down his face. Finally he collapsed to his knees in the kitchen, a trembling sobbing mess. "F/N..."


"Ah!" His breath halted for an instant. He snapped his head in the direction of your voice.

"What's wrong?" Out from underneath a pile of wrinkled laundry you crawled, looking right into your partner's tearful eyes.

"Y-you're here..." He reached out and touched your face, trying to prove to himself that this wasn't a hallucination. "You're really still here..."

"Yeah, I guess I didn't want to crawl from the kitchen to the bedroom so I fell asleep in a pile of laundry. Silly, huh?" When his intense stare didn't fade you scooted closer to him. Without warning he latched his arms around you like a Venus flytrap, breaking down completely. You rubbed his back as he forcefully wept into your shoulder.


"I'm s-sorry..." He blubbered. "*sniff* I-I thought you'd left me..."

'Holy shit...' Your mouth fell open when you realized something. 'I could have left last night... Oh my god... Why DIDN'T I?!' He had been in such a deep sleep last night that it would have been all too easy. How could you let this happen?! You honestly wanted to kick yourself right now. 'Score one for poor decisions caused by alcohol...'  If you ever made it out of here and wrote a novel about your experiences, you'd be sure to leave this egregious oversight out of the narrative.

"Nngh!" Suddenly Bum flinched in your arms and you pulled him back.


"Ah... it's nothing. My head just started hurting really bad."

Yoon Bum x Reader: MindfuckeryWhere stories live. Discover now