Chapter 24 (Bonus): Moon

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Bonus Chapter: I wanted to go all the way with this in the previous chapter but thought it was a bit much. I was pleasantly surprised to find out you all wanted more, so here's the rest. NSFW ahead.

"Did you ever finish reading my book, Bum?" The stranger's visit had reminded you to ask.

"Uhm..." He averted your gaze. "I've been... busy lately..." In all honesty he had avoided reading it up until now. It was not meant to be a slight to your writing or anything like that; he just didn't want to relive the horrors he put you through. Bum knew all too well that reading your inner thoughts of hatred and despair would simply break his heart. Not to mention, knowing he was the true villain of the story was rather upsetting. He knew picking up your novel would be like watching an episode of the Bachelorette when he knew she would choose the wrong candidate. Bum was elated to have you by his side, but no way in hell did he actually deserve you.

"How about I read you a piece of it?" You offered.

"Eh? But uh... we're still not done with the other story yet. We should finish that one first." He gave you a strained smile, one it was easy to see through.

"Just the last chapter then, hm~? It has a happy ending, you know."

"...Okay." He reluctantly agreed, unable to deny your salesman-like grin. You flipped to the marked page and let your free hand nestle comfortably into your lover's hair.

"...F/N knew the trials that she faced had not been in vain. In all things can be found a silver lining, as they say..." As you went on, Bum's expression seemed to soften. This was a much nicer and more poetic ending than he had expected. "F/N and Bum returned to their favorite hideaway, a cozy tete-a-tete beneath the amber autumn's brilliance. The chilly mist from the water's breeze was no match for the kindling warmth of their love."

"Wait. How did you know we'd-"

"From the confines of her pocket, F/N pulled out a hidden box no larger than a walnut and placed it in Yoon Bum's hands." Bum's eyebrows turned downwards in confusion, as he was unaware that you had gone off-script from the very beginning. You placed the book to the side and continued the narrative. "She gazed deep into his once melancholic eyes, which were now besprinkled with hope and a clear vision of a happy future." Bum stared at you in wonder, amazed you had managed to memorize every line so perfectly. "And with sincerity flowing from her heart she asked him a question." It was now you pulled out a tiny object from your pocket, outer shell lined with velvet.

"Hey, that's the box from the story!" He sat up excitedly; he was terribly invested in your tale now. He needed to know what happens next.

"Bum..." You cradled the box with care and opened it before him. "Will you marry me?"

"Ah!" His eyes went wide and his heart stuttered. You watched his cheeks go up in flames when he noticed two little rings resting between the fabric folds. A hand drifted over his chest as he stared at them; Bum had been struck utterly speechless. The silence made you a bit nervous so you began to babble.

"Heh. I know this is super unconventional... and guys don't really like sparkly girly things. So I thought it would be better to get us matching bands as a promise sort of thing. I guess you could call them pre-engagement engagement rin-mmm!" Bum captured you lips with his own, putting your doubts to rest. He cupped your face in his hands to keep you close. What a feeling of elation it was that overtook him when he realized he would never have to let go of you again.

"I love you! Mmm!" He gushed, peppering you with rapid-fire kisses, some sweet and short, some deep and lingering. "I love you so much! Mwah. Mwah. Mmm!" A giggle bubbled up in your tummy.

Yoon Bum x Reader: MindfuckeryWhere stories live. Discover now