Chapter 21: Consequence

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Bum could hear the steady beeping of your heart on the hospital monitor. It was nice. You were calm, so he could be calm too, right? Still... your drawn out silence was unnerving him. He desperately wanted to know what you were thinking right now.

'Is this real?'  The nurses seemed to float by in their white lab coats like ghosts. It felt so strange to see this many other people around, going about their lives. It was as if you had just been dropped off on an entirely different world than you were used to, and you were an alien. You had been drifting in this dreamlike state of wonder and disbelief since the cab arrived to take you both from the house that had so long been your prison. You returned to your senses when the nurses started asking a lot of questions that you couldn't quite answer. The first one stumped you enough already...

"How did you get these injuries?"


Ultimately you just told them a tree fell on your legs and crushed them both. It may sound stupid but weirder things have happened in the world... like exactly what actually happened to you. You finally turned to look at the chair next to your bedside, where Bum was staring at you with unease.

"Bum..." You met his eyes. "I know how hard this must be for you right now. But... thank you." You reached out to take his hand in your own. "I love you."

"I-I love you too." He replied enthusiastically and a less anxious smile grew on his features. It appeared that this was exactly what he wanted to hear. His gaze turned down towards your linked hands. "I just want to make you happy..." It was now that a strange male figure swept into your room and the color drained from Yoon Bum's face.

"Miss L/N?"


"I'm det-" He halted dead in his tracks upon eying the man sitting next to you. "...Mr. Yoon?"

"O-officer Seungbae?!"

There was a moment of silence before both you and the man in uniform spoke in unison.

"You two... know each other?"

Yoon Bum gulped; internally he was screaming. Of all the policemen in this entire city, why did it have to be the one he knew?! This was the worst scenario imaginable; he would surely suspect him based on these circumstances.

"W-what a coincidence." Bum smiled shakily, trying to mask his panic. "What brings you here?"

"..." He blinked at him in confusion before turning to you. "I received an anonymous phone call that you had been located. You've been missing for quite some time." He approached and pulled up a seat. "First off, may I alert your family of your whereabouts?" You lit up.

"Ah! Yes, please! I've missed them so much."

"Very well. I will call them shortly." He adjusted his glasses. "But first, would you be willing to answer some questions?"

"Uh, sure." You shifted on the bed, revealing your battered bandaged ankles that had previously been obstructed by your bed sheet. It caught the detective's attention immediately, who furrowed his brows and shot an accusatory stare right at Yoon Bum.

'Oh god, he knows! I'm going to jail!'  Bum's trembling became more noticeable. His eyes pleaded to you desperately. 'F/N, help me!'  Seungbae returned his attention to you, suspicion now looming behind his dark irises.

"Miss L/N, do you feel comfortable answering my questions in front of this man?" He glanced at Bum. "I'm sure he would be gracious enough to step out if you asked."

"...He can stay." You replied and Yoon Bum felt a small rush of relief.

"Alright. Then let's start at the beginning." He pointed to your mangled legs. "Who did this to you?"

A tense energy overtook the room. A crossroads had been laid out before you, and you now had a very important choice to make. You had a chance to be vindicated, to make Bum pay for his horrendous crimes. The power was in your hands now. With one word you could have Bum carted off to jail for life. All you had to do was seize the opportunity.

But then you looked at the pleading man who took a leap of faith for you. All he wanted in this world was your love, and he was even willing to risk incarceration for a fleeting chance at it. You imagined he would even commit mass murder, then leave you love notes on their headstones if he thought it would please you. Yet today, Bum had done something far beyond your expectations; he liberated you. Against all odds he had broken the cycle, ascending above his predecessors who abused him. But was that really enough to redeem him for his heinous acts?

You never had a savior complex. If a man didn't impress you, he simply didn't impress you. It was not in your nature to try and save an asshole from himself. But then... Bum was anything but the bad-boy archetype. He needed saved from the world around him, a world that showed him nothing but unkindness until you came along. Yoon Bum had been born in the darkness, then raised in it; and it seemed no matter how he fumbled, he couldn't find his way though it without you. Did he really deserve your wrath to pile on top of everyone else's? Was it meaningless that he chose to risk loneliness over risking your life? Could you really even call that a sacrifice if it was your time he had ravaged in the first place?

'What will become of him after I escape?'

You remembered how this question haunted you repeatedly in the past. The situation you had only dreamed of was here and now, and the tables had turned. The pages of Bum's fate were now being written by your hand. With a snap of your fingers he could be removed from your sight forever, forced to live a life of captivity just as he had forced upon you. You caught sight of his frantic expression and felt a rush of conflicting emotions. You had decided; you had made the choice long ago.

"It was..." You broke the tense silence and both males leaned forward in anticipation, one frightened, one intrigued. You gathered the courage and spoke up with confidence. "...Mr. Yoon."

Yoon Bum x Reader: MindfuckeryWhere stories live. Discover now