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i dont like taking my meds

in ways, that makes me

just like my mum.

i hope i dont turn out

like her, but in ways,

i already have.


"you're easier to

control if numb"

the doctors said.

i refused to swallow

the little white pills

and instead got

even more ill.

"you'll never get

better," they said.

i shrugged and said,

"what if ive already

accepted that?"

they didnt reply.


but despite me

refusing to take

my medication,

i still keep them

safe. locked up,

away from my eyes.

for i know when i get

bad, i'll tear the packets

open and all the pills

will be shoved down

my throat.


i'll be gone in the next

few hours. dead.

just like mum, because

she refused to take

her meds.


and sometimes when

i want all the feelings

to go away, the memories

to fade, the nightmares

to vanish, i'll take my meds

and i'll fall asleep.

and i'll make a wish that

i'll never wake up again.


but like i said, wishes

dont come true.

and unfortunately, no

matter how many i

fit in my mouth and

swallow, no matter how

much vodka i take

with them, for some

reason, i always



sometimes, its good to feel

numb. even if its just for

a few hours.

sometimes i like to feel

numb, because that way

i dont care for anyone, not

even myself. and i feel the

best that way, and i think

thats because the feeling

of death creeps up. and

i dont mind.

i dont mind.

i never mind.

because whats a life

worth living if all you're

doing is swallowing pills

after pills just to stay alive?

dark minds [completed] Where stories live. Discover now