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Merlin hissed as he leaned against the cell wall, his bruised body protesting every moment. Arthur paced in the cell across from them, deep in thought. When Thane's men had forced them back into their cells, at least they hadn't been shackled back to the wall. A sudden shout from Elyan and Percival made the knights jump. Merlin and Lancelot rushed to the bars of their cell door, trying to see what was going on. They managed to just barely catch a glimpse of Elyan being dragged away, most likely to his next fight. Arthur was fuming at his inability to help his knights. Merlin flinched when the prince let out a frustrated scream, kicking the wall.

"Three days!" He shouted. "Three days of sitting in these cells, hoping that we don't get taken away!" Arthur sighed, leaning against the wall. Almost all of the knights had fought in the arena; only Arthur and Percival had yet to be forced to fight. Gwaine had almost completely healed from the injuries from his first fight, and luckily, none of the knights who fought had been seriously hurt.

"So much for a relaxing hunting trip." Gwaine grumbled.

"It's what I get for taking a suggestion from Merlin." Arthur said, earning a glare from his manservant.

"I was just trying to get your mind off your father, you prat." Merlin replied indignantly. "It's not my fault we got captured." Arthur chuckled humorlessly.

"We ought to just not go on any more hunting trips." Percival's voice came from his cell. "That's when things seem to go wrong for us."

"I say we get out of here the next chance we get." Gwaine cut in. "I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm tired of sitting here waiting to get taken." The knight pulled himself off the floor, groaning.

"Even if we get out of these blasted cells, what do you suggest we do?" Lancelot pointed out. Gwaine shrugged. "Exactly. Thane, whoever he is, has us vastly outnumbered." Merlin sat there, listening while his friends bickered.

"Merlin?" Arthur's voice broke through the squabble. "You're being unusually quiet." Merlin gave him a small grunt in response. "Merlin."

"What?" Merlin snapped, looking up to glare at the prince. Arthur held his hands up in mock surrender at the manservant's outburst.

      "I just wanted to know what's wrong with you." Merlin didn't reply, instead he stared at the cell wall across from him, thinking. Thane clearly had to have some sort of endgame, some sort of purpose to this tournament. The knights believed he was just in it for the money.... but, Merlin suspected he had even more sinister motives. The warlock began to compile a list of possible reasons in his mind in an attempt to figure out what was going on. Merlin was so deep in thought that he had no idea what the knights were saying until he caught his name in the conversation.

      "-and then we set Merlin on fire, providing a distraction so we can escape." Merlin's head whipped towards Arthur's direction. The prince was grinning at his servant's reaction. "I'm joking." Merlin shot another glare at Arthur. "What is going on with you, Merlin?"

      "You'll have to forgive me , sire, if I'm not too cheerful about our current situation." He mumbled in response. Arthur simply quirked an eyebrow, wanting Merlin to explain further. "I just can't help but feel like Thane has something bigger planned. Everything about this place seems... off."

     Gwaine chuckled, reaching to clap his friend on the shoulder. "Well, that's why we're getting out of here." Merlin glanced up, confused. Had they really come up with an escape plan already?

     Leon shushed Gwaine. "Someone's coming!" The knights of Camelot scrambled to their feet, and rushed to their cell doors. The sound of keys jangling could be heard, the the door creaking open. Two guards entered, dragging a bloodied body.

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