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       The "welcome home" feast for Arthur was practically legendary.

      Even Uther had come, sitting next to his son while they ate. It seemed like all of Camelot had attended, the banquet hall roaring with chatter. Arthur motioned for Merlin to refill his drink, and Merlin hurried forward with a pitcher of wine.

       "-and that's why I no longer go to that tavern!" It was at that moment that Gwaine decided to finish his rather amusing story, sending half the people into a fit of laughter. Merlin practically shook from laughter as he completely forgot about the container of liquid in his hands.

         "Merlin!" Arthur yelled, jumping up. Merlin, in his fit of laughter, managed to spill the wine all over his prince. The knights laughed at the sight of Prince Arthur bolting out of his seat, but the situation was only made worse when Merlin, in an attempt to help Arthur, grabbed a napkin off the table. The problem with this, was, unbeknownst to the manservant, the napkin had already been covered with food. Arthur stood there, both food and wine covering the outfit he had chosen for the feast. The prince began to angrily berated Merlin, who was doing his best to hide his laughter. The knights, however, were doing no such thing, and were all in fits.

      Merlin smiled at Freya, who stood off in the background, a pitcher in her own hand. With a little help from Arthur, she had secured a position in the castle's kitchens. Merlin had figured out a way to break her curse, allowing her to remain in Camelot for as long as she wished, without worrying about hurting anyone. Freya turned to Gwen, whispering something to her. Gwen, who was already laughing at Arthur, began to laugh harder.

       Even as Arthur scolded Merlin, they couldn't help but feel as if everything was right.

       Merlin's magic was the best kept secret between the knights. That was he best gift he could ever have gotten. As Arthur dragged Merlin off to help him change out of his ruined clothes, the two felt content.

         This was how it was supposed to be.

         Merlin, at Arthur's side, serving him. Advising him.

        It was destiny.

Okay, just the epilogue left! Yay! So, yeah, I know, that wasn't awesome. I'm not super great at happy endings.

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