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Lance hung around as he started to feel like himself again with less fear but more boredom followed as he watched Lotor work or write but Lotor offered him books but Lance didn't know how to read the language. Not that he let Lotor know anyways.

Lotor pulled his hair to the side with a small sigh making Lance look at him again from the bed as he tried reading the book but failing.

"Why am I still here? In the room," Lance laid on his stomach looking at him.

"It's safer," Lotor stated not looking up.

"Safer from what?" He groaned.

"Hagar, fellow Druids, soldiers, the return of zarkon, rebels," Lotor listed simply and Lance groaned again.

"Should I repeat the Hagar and Druid part?" Lotor narrowed his eyes back at Lance who laid there with a scowl.

"Here's an idea! Let me go back to Voltron," Lance said with enthusiasm but dropped it.

"Here's an idea! No," Lotor said with sarcasm and Lance gapped in shock at the prince and sat up glaring.

"Am I still a fucking prisoner?" Lance scoffed at him.

"Technically, yea," Lotor leaned back on the chair looking at him unamused.

"Why not put me in a cell again? Huh?" Lance snarked crossing his arms.

"Are you deaf?" Lotor groaned at lance as he was getting tired of repeating himself.

"With that accent I don't know if your insulting me with daft or deaf, and how do you know what daft means? That's a earth slang," Lance chatted as he could see he was annoying the prince.

"Putting you back in a cell is very tempting..." Lotor turned back to his work rubbing his face as he mumbled to himself.

"Hey I heard that!" Lance shouted.

"Your the one that suggested it," Lotor shrugged but heard Lance get up and walked over to his desk leaning against the wall.

"What now?" Lotor looked at him calmly and Lance frowned seeing he gained patiences in those few seconds. Irritating him was the most fun he's going to get for a while.

"Why did the duck cross the road?" Lance grinned evilly.

"What kind of question is that?" Lotor raised an eye brow.

"Just ask why," Lance groaned.

"What's a duck?" Lotor asked again still confused.

"Just ask why!" Lance cried out.

"Why?" Lotor smirked to himself.

"Because it's a joke!" He whined.

"I know, I did as you said, why?" Lotor held back a small laugh seeing how baffled Lance was.

"Well now it's not funny," Lance pouted and Lotor covered his mouth turning away as his shoulders silently shook.

"Are you laughing at me?" Lance looked at him with wide eyes.

"No, no, that would be unprofessional," Lotor snickered and Lance glared.

"Your so laughing at me jerk," Lance pouted crossing his arms and Lotor snorted seeing him trying to glare but with his lip out and pouting it made it hard to take the paladin seriously.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," Lotor put his head down silently laughing at him as Lance groaned sliding down the wall but could see Lotors bright smile from under the desk where he laid his forehead on his arms.

"Do you have any jokes chuckles?" Lance rolled his eyes and Lotor sat up brushing his hand back coughing to cover his little laughter left.

"I uh, I don't do jokes," Lotor smirked at him with a shrug.

"Oh after that laughing fest you had you have to have some joke," Lance chuckled back.

"No, it's not exactly giggles here," Lotor coughed again clearing his throat.

"Seriously? Did you do anything fun around here?" Lance gapped with wide eyes.

"Not your kind of fun, winning battles is my kind of fun, duels, wits between my opponent and I would make me smile," Lotor shrugged again and Lance rolled his eyes.

"But like jokes or pranks?" Lance continued.

"Ezor and Zethrid usually keep it entertaining," the galra thought for a moment. "Then again t usually ends in destruction..."

"See now that's fun," Lance smiled mischievously.

"Usually means more work," Lotor said flatly. He suddenly got an alarm going off from a device on his desk and answered the call.

"Acxa," Lotor stated with a nod as a screen popped up with a galra woman.

"Ezor and Zethrid," she said back and Lance raised an eye brow as Lotor pinched the bridge of his nose nodding.

"Of course, what sector?" He asked looking back.

"The mechanics," she sighed.

"Destroy anything?" Lotor asked flatly.

"The mechanics are either dead or knocked out, Zethrid got annoyed by a Druid but they disappeared," Acxa explained and Lotor nodded.

"I'll handle it, thank you Acxa," Lotor stood up ending the call as he grabbed his sword of course from leaning against the desk as Lance stood up.

"Is this normal?" Lance asked following.

"By now, yes," Lotor pulled on his gloves but stopped in front of the door looking at Lance.

"What? I'm coming with," Lance beamed up at him trying to get some fresh air.

"I rather have you not," Lotor gently pushed him back a few feet for him to open the door.

"Come on let me come with," Lance whined drooping his shoulders with pleading eyes.

"I'm afraid that won't be happening," Lotor slipped out smirking and closed the door before Lance could run out.

He tried opening the door but found it locked from the other side and his jaw dropped but glared with anger.

"Let me out you bleach roots mother-"

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