Truth or Dare

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- - - Author's Note: Yeah, yeah I know it's cliché (is that the right accent? oh well) but like... give me that cliché shit - - -

It was Saturday night. Evan, Jared, Connor, Zoe and Alana were all hanging out at the Murphy's. They were all laughing about some kinky joke that Jared had made.

Evan was blushing, too, though. It was hard not to blush, or stumble over his words around Jared. He began to have a crush on him in freshman year, when he had just figured out that he was extremely bisexual.

He hoped no one would notice his tomato red face. Luckily, they didn't, because everyone was laughing harder over Alana's very unexpected snort-laugh.

Suddenly, a burst of inspiration hit Zoe. "Let's play truth or dare!" She yelled, pumping her fist into the air.

Everyone agreed. Zoe ran and grabbed a bottle while everyone sat in a circle. When she returned, she spun the bottle, landing it on Connor.

"Connor," she spoke in a low voice. "Truth or dare?"

"Truth, I guess," Connor replied, earning a couple clucks from Jared in the background. This made Evan giggle.

"Are you really as edgy as you let on? Remember, no lying," Zoe warned.

Connor sighed. "Fine... I guess not. I've got a tie-dye sweatshirt and light yellow nail polish somewhere in the back of my closet, if that answers your question." He looked somewhat embarrassed after admitting that, but shrugged it off.

Alana "awwwed" our loud and insisted he go put it on. After much begging, Connor finally gave in and got changed into the bright sweatshirt. Zoe and Alana even painted his nails during the game with the sun-coloured polish.

After many more rounds, and one strange combo of the chicken dance and the macarena, Jared spun the bottle and it landed on Evan.

"Evan..." Jared spoke dramatically. "Truth... or... dare?"

Taken aback, Evan stuttered. "U-um... I-I don't know... t-truth?"

"Alright," Jared said, tapping his chin. After thinking for a moment, he said, "Who would you want to kiss the most, out of all the people in this circle?"

If the stuttering and blushing wasn't bad before, it sure was now. "U-uh... w-well..." He couldn't just admit it in front of everyone!

"Come on, Evan, it's no big deal," Jared said calmly, putting a hand on his leg. Evan imagined his face was probably the shade of a brick wall by now.

He finally mustered up the courage to just come clean and say it. "A-actually, Jared... i-it's y-you." Evan buried his face in his hands while Zoe whooped.

"Oh?" Jared said with a little smirk. "Well then... it would only be fair to give you what you admitted to..." Jared's voice trailed off, wanting an answer from Evan.

Truth was, a certain Jared liked Evan back. Neither of them knew, except Connor, Zoe and Alana, whom it was so obvious to. They were just waiting for one of them to finally make the move.

"Evan... can I kiss you?" Jared said, making sure to ask for consent.

When Evan looked up, he opened his mouth to try and talk, but nothing came out. He tried opening and closing it, but he still was at an utter loss for words. He just nodded.

Jared took the chance. He leaned across the circle to Evan and kissed him. It took him a moment, but Evan did kiss back. The kiss was gentle and soft. It finally took a clearing of the throat from Connor after what seemed like forever to get them to break apart, both faces red.

"My, my, my," Alana said, chuckling. "Wasn't that quite the kiss?"

"Anything you guys would like to say to each other?" Connor asked, with the slightest hint of excitement in his voice.

Jared inhaled deeply, and took one of Evan's hands. "Evan, I really really like you. Like, a lot. And I never said anything, because I was worried that I would scare you off, which is the last thing I want."

"R-really?" Evan's eyes sparkled. "I was t-too afraid, I thought you w-would make fun of me, or tell the whole school, o-or never talk to me a-again."

"I would never do that!"

"A-are you sure you l-like me, though?"

"Evan, we just made out in front of our friends. On purpose."


"Evan, c'mere."

Evan slid over to Jared, who took him in his arms. "Evan, I promise. I promise that I'll stay with you, no matter how anxious you get, no matter how many times that I have to tell you that you're amazing how you are."

Evan looked up at Jared and smiled. Jared leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips, and kept him in his lap, no matter how much taller Evan was than him. He was quite light, actually.

"AWWWWE! JARED'S A SOFTIE!" Zoe yelled, breaking the silence.

"Hey!" Jared said, looking offended.

"It's the truuuth, and youuu can't denyyy it," she said in a sing-song voice.

"Fine. Whatever," Jared scoffed, causing everyone to burst into fits of giggles. "You can call me a softie, but stop laughing!" He said. Evan laughed even louder, and Jared found it contagious. He laughed along with everyone.

"I think it's official," Alana said. "You two are the cutest couple ever!"

- - - Author's Note: This was really bad but I live for Zoe in this for some reason - - -

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