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hazel pov

I was standing there, looking at the big building, it was nothing like I was used to see. It looks like an old edifice with red bricks in the shape of a semi circle. They are trees and grass all around it where students would lay down on or read a book. I didn't had time to visit birmingham but the little I saw, it was impressing and I loved it.

It was cold outside but there were shaft of sunlight falling on my skin that was making me warm. The sky was light blue and there was no clouds.

A big clock was standing in the middle of the campus, I was kind of lost, it was new for me, my high school was little and was a former abandonned hospital, and my house was not really a house that we saw in the movies or in the fancy neighbourhoods.

I wanted to run away from my life back in the united states, I didn't like it there, with my broken family, my father that has anbandoned us, I wanted something new, to go far away and be on my own. I went in the building and look for my dorm room, it was big enough for me and my roomate leah, my best friend since we were five, the only constant thing that I had in my life.

There were two beds, one in the left side and one in the right side next to the window which was in the middle of the wall, the two offices were at the bottom of the beds, the walls had a light peach color.

"Hey, I have our shedules, leah opened the door and entered the room. We start the courses tomorrow morning" she said breathless, she was probably running in the stairs, we were in the fourth floor of the building

"Already! that's great" I said excited, I was glad to start the courses and was looking forward to it

"Yeah, for you maybe, I wanted to sleep" she said sitting on her bed

"Come on! we are finally in college, to study what we like"

I decided to study english and american litterature when I fell in love with a book that I had read when I was in my first year of high school, little women by louisa may alcott, it helped me a lot to go through high school.

The next morning I woke up earlier to prepare my self, When we were both ready, we went to our first class, sheakespirean litterature, we sat on the front row, next to me was a young men, with dark skin and light brown eyes, he looked like he didn't care about where he was or who was around him.

"Hello everyone, I hope you're ready for you're new year in college, we are going to study a first novel that everyone knows, romeo and juliet" the professor said

"Oh no I hate this story" leah said

"Come on it's not that bad, it's a love story"

"Yeah I know, it's the main reason I hate this story"

She smiled, leah was not the romantic type, she was more like an independent girl, and didn't want to be involved in a relationship whatsoever.

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