10 | Next Time

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" Finished ! " Taehyung exclaimed before immediately regretting talking so loud but after a careful examine of the library, he saw that no one cared no one really cared, which reassured him.

" How did we finish this in that short amount of time ? " I asked him in disbelief, looking at all the pages we had written.

Our tables were filled with sheets of papers that both of us had composed, meaning that we had finally gotten over the long and painful project.

" I guess that's what happens when people actually work while enjoying their time with someone special, " he affirmed, taking the stack of sheets to arrange them in a folder.

" Not going to lie, this is the first time I've ever enjoyed working with somebody, " I agreed. " Oh, by the way, I heard about Seung-Gi. May I ask if you guys are, uhm if you guys are... " I said, repeating the same sentence twice, afraid I would be overstepping a boundary. " Ugh, nevermind, " I exclaimed, unable to ask him as the frightened grew in my heart, scared of what the answer would be.

He looked at me with a beautiful smile, raising his two eyebrows to let me know he had become curious of what I was about to ask, while taking both of my hands, his thumb caressing my skin.

And as an immediate reaction, my heart just started beating again, which I had grown used to after all these countless similar situations.

" Listen carefully Lee Y/N, " he commanded. " You don't need to be afraid to ask or tell me about anything, you know that right ? " he sweetly reminded me with an assuring tone.

I looked him straight in the eyes, and slowly nodded, acknowledging what he had just told me with an open heart.

" Go on and continue what you were about to ask then, " he convinced me.

I was afraid of the response I would be getting, terrified of discovering something was happening in between them but I had to know.

I wasn't able to be relaxed knowing I had these questions resting in the back of my mind, so it was now or never.

" Are you and Seung-Gi dating ? " I straightforwardly confronted him as I knew not going straight to the point would make me back out and not ask what I wanted.

He grinned, pausing for a second before finally nodding as a response.

It was as if the world had stopped moving after seeing his head confirming what I was afraid of, learning that my best friend was dating the guy I liked.

I was petrified of him saying yes, supporting what I had already been thinking. I definitely regretted asking, hoping I didn't ask him instead.

My whole body felt empty, my throat not letting me breathe properly with a heavy uneasy feeling taking over me. I wished I could turn back time and just not know about anything, no matter how troubling it was.

So basically, they were really dating ? I wasn't expecting that response but there I was, absolutely hammered by the information.

" Isn't it April first today ? " he interrogated, more concerned about the date than the fact that he had just revealed that he was secretly dating my best friend.

I didn't give a single damn about the date, all I could think about was them, dating behind my back.

" I, I don't think so, " I answered, struggling to think straight.

" Well even if April first has already gone by, happy April Fools day Y/N-ah, " he affirmed with a slight grin.

" Hmm,  " I hummed, even if my attention was clearly not on what he had just said.

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