09 | So Close

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A voice abruptly resonated in the empty corridors, drawing my attention on her, " I finally caught you ! Who is that guy you're with Y/N Unnie ? "

My heart started racing while looking at my sister who was at the other end of the hallway.

" Jungkookie ? " Young-Mi asked in shock, blankly staring at Jungkook who had just faced her after hearing her voice.

Out of all people, did she really have to be the first one seeing us together ? Of course I couldn't have just met random people in the hallways, it really had to be Lee Young-Mi.

"Hey Young-Mi-yah ! " he joyfully greeted her, but it was not the same for her, she was way more... serious as she was rapidly walking towards us.

" What are you guys doing together ? " she asked, furrowing both of her eyebrows as if she had just witnessed something monstrous.

As soon as her eyes met mine, it was clear enough that she was ready to jump and murder me, which was quite scary to be honest.

" Nothing much Young-Mi-yah, " I answered for the both of us to reassure her.

I didn't want her to think that something was going on between Jungkook and I because clearly, absolutely nothing was taking place.

She had asked me to help her out the last time and this event surely made her doubt the intentions behind me refusing to put in a good word for her. I didn't want her to say that I declined her favor because I wanted to take my chance with him, cause that was wrong as well.

She completely ignored my answer and talked to Jungkook instead, " We were looking for you during the whole lunch break. You should've told us about this. The boys were worried, so was Hyo-Jin and I. "

Was it me or my sister was literally freaking out about his friend missing, but didn't give two damn about me missing in action ? It literally spoke volume about her priorities in life.

It was enormously obvious that my sister loved and cared for me, that matter was absolutely indisputable.

" I'm right here, safe and sound so let's not make it much of big deal hmm, " he requested with a peace sign to back him up.

" Yeah right, safe and sound with my Unnie, " she cockily corrected him while crossing her arms.

Her tone was giving out the fact that she was extremely pissed at me.

" We were just roaming around to have some fresh air since school get frustrating at times, " he explained, wrapping his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer to him in order to show her that we were just being friendly.

I slightly took off his hand off my shoulder without it being too obvious to let Young-Mi know about my real intentions, which didn't involve any romantic interest on her crush.

" Seems to me as if the air you have inhaled also made you go crazy huh, " she retorted, not changing the way she was meanly staring at me.

Jungkook had possibly noticed it too since he let go of me to finally come next to her and hold her instead. 

" I'll buy you some ice cream so relax yourself, " he said trying to calm her down as they were walking away.

I watched them go away before slowly stepping back to rest my body on the lockers and hit my head against it, knowing I was going to face a really angry sister tonight.

" You and Jungkook seem to have become quite close, " Seung-Gi's voice suddenly said after appearing next to me, as she shielded my head from the door of the locker to stop me from hurting.

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