chapter three

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Before I left the hospital, Jin had washed and wrapped all my cuts. He also prescribed me with like, a million different types of medication. Some for the scars, some for the emotional pain, and some for my depression. Jin had also told me that I should maybe find a job, to distract my mind. Also I need to find a lover.
What is love? I asked myself over and over again.

"Love is like the warm tingly feeling you get when the sun shines on you for a long time. Love is like wildflowers, it can be found in the most unlikely places. To love a person is to see all of their magic, and to remind them of it when they have forgotten." Jin told me softly.

I could instantly tell he had someone, and I'm guessing that he gets treated very well. Now I'm very curious as to what this feels like. I nodded, acting like I understood what he was talking about.


I'm walking down the street in a somewhat busy marketplace in Seoul, when I see a sign that was hanging from a busy cafe. "EMPLOYEES WANTED" It was hung at the Yoongi Cafe. I walked in, looking around at the place. It was filled with wooden chairs and tables, with a vase of flowers on top of each table. At the back of the cafe, there was someone handing desserts out from the glass case.

They all looked so delicious. Without even noticing, I started to drool. I walked over to the person handing out the deserts, and my heart fluttered. I gripped my chest. What was this feeling? Ignoring it and looking back up, I saw his face, and my heart did the same thing again. Maybe I was just sick. He had a white shirt with a black apron on top, blue jeans, and timberlands. He had really dark hair that was covering his forehead, and an adorable bunny smile. My heart clenched again. I really should get that checked. "Hello, may I speak to your mana-" I couldn't finish the sentence, because he reached out and wiped the corner of my mouth and smiled his adorable bunny smile. I felt myself get hot. There was a sudden feeling in my stomach that I couldn't explain, like something fluttering. Now I know I need to get this checked at a doctor. I just stood there like an idiot until he started talking. "You had some drool coming out of your mouth. Let me lead you to the manager's office"


I was working my shift as usual. Girls kept coming up to me asking for my number, saying I was cute. Each time, I would give them a fake number. I didn't have the time to worry myself with girls and their endless desires. I was giving this cute little boy a cupcake, when my eyes wandered off to someone I had never seen in this cafe before. He was a bit taller than me, he had a baggy black hoodie, black jeans, and round glasses on. He looked so out of place. Unique almost. He stood out compared to everyone else, even if he was wearing dark colours. He was adorable. I turned back to the kid, letting him pay. When I turned back up to look at the guy he was staring at me and drooling. I laughed silently taking in what I'm seeing. I took the next persons order, and he was next. He walked up still with the drool coming out of his mouth. Is it weird it slightly turned me on?

"Hello, may I speak" Holy shit his voice was so deep. I'm dying. "to your mana-" Without even thinking twice, my hand reached out to his lips and wiped away the drool. Shit shit shit shit. I try to hide my embarrassment with a slight laugh. "You had some drool coming out of your mouth. Let me lead you to the manager's office" I said awkwardly, hoping he didn't think I was weird. Why did I do that? And why did I think that this random guy I just met was adorable beyond belief.


I silently thanked him, too embarrassed to even look at him anymore. He was slightly shorter than me. He had long eyelashes, and an adorable mole under his lip. Oh and those lips, I could just-   fuck, what am I thinking? Why do I feel like this?

We reached the manager's office, which was just a door near the wide kitchen they had in the back of the restaurant, and I started shivering. I never tried to be social, I didn't care what others thought of me, I had no emotions. But for the first time, I actually felt nervous. What if the manager didn't like me or thought I was a bad influence. I can't let anyone see my cuts, no matter what. They would think I was a psychopath.

I walked through the door, leading me to a room with grey walls and a desk with a lot of papers on top. There were two chairs in front of the desk. Behind the desk there was a man, that didn't look that much older than me. He had very light teal coloured hair, with very pale skin. He had black glasses on, a black blouse, with a black suit on top. He looked very classy. I'm guessing his favourite colour was black? I cleared my throat, and he looked up smiling at me.

"How can I help you?" he asked.

"Hello, my name is Kim Taehyung, and I would like to work here."

He looked surprised.

"YES! FUCKING FINALLY!" he covered his mouth and said a soft sorry, as I chuckled. I already liked him.

"I'm sorry. Nice to meet you Taehyung. I'm Min Yoongi, but you can call me Suga. It's been such a long time since we had someone ask to work here. Take a seat." he said, pointing to one of the chairs in front of him.

I quickly sat down and stared at his little eyes. He was very attractive. If he wasn't working at a cafe, he could've become an idol real quick.

"Do you know what position you would like to work in the cafe? Chef, cashier, cleaner?" he said the last one laughing.

I definitely did not want to work as a cashier. I would have to see way too many people, that's way too out of my comfort zone.

"Chef" I blurted.

"Do you  know how to bake?"

"I have a little bit of experience, but I've never baked for a cafe." I said, trying to sound serious.

"That's great! Your hired!" He yelled, causing me to jump.

"Already?!" I yelled back, a smile creeping out onto my face.

"Yeah! Jungkookie here will teach you all of the recipes" I turn to see the same guy who wiped the corner of my lip smile at me.

"Nice to meet you, hyung." I nod back with a small smile.



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