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I was hanging upside-down after being thrown by Richard. I am so glad I had the bungee cord in the SUV. I thank Oliver and his extreme sports for saving my life. Now how long before someone gets me from being upside down. I then heard yelling. Then someone pulled me up.

I looked at Oliver and then Schneider. I also saw Flake and I laughed. Then I went to my SUV and found my phone and found a message. It said I know your dead and I am sorry for what I did. I deserve everything.

I got pictures and I sat down and started to cry. Flake and Oliver walked over to me. I handed my phone to them and they understood. Then Oliver handed the phone to Schneider. He looked and he was sad. I decided to become a medic.

A year and a half later I go on my fifth call and I had a call to a overdose. I get to the place and I walk in. I noticed the person is barely there. I have never spoken. But, as I look at the patient I want to cry. I hold it together. My work partner noticed.

I find his Id and I wanted to throw up. I showed him. There is something else in case of emergency call husband Paul Landers. So, my work partner calls the number and my phone goes off. Since I don't talk I text yes I am right here moron. I know he is my husband and that is when I take out my phone and show him a picture of the screen of me and Richard. He was in shock.

Needless to say we lost him twice. I hated it. I was able to take the rest of the day off. I sat in the waiting room. A doctor came out to me and told me he was able to save him. Till, Flake, Schneider, and Oliver met me. Till and Flake got married. So, did Oliver and Schneider.

I was allowed to see him. I then had Oliver and Flake come into the room with me. I kissed Richard on the head. I was hoping it wasn't to late to stop the cycle.
I slept in the waiting room every night after work. Till or one of the guys brought me food. It was nice of them. Then I had a week off. I was still on call though. I was sleeping in the chair by the door. Flake and Till was sitting next to Richard.

"Till, Flake, is that you?"

"Yes, it is."

"I had the weirdest dream. Paul, was still alive. I thought I heard his IPhone go off. It was weird. I know that isn't possible."

My phone then went off. I heard my name and was listening. I had a very funny feeling this isn't going to go over well. I answered Oliver. Oliver and Schneider walked into the room. I moved my chair closer. But, had my hat covering my eyes and most my face. I heard Richard counting.

"One, two, three, four, five, wait who is that?"

"Part of the reason you're here. He is one of the medics who wouldn't give up when they lost you twice." Said Till.

At that moment my phone went off again. This time it was saying I had to go to work. I was glad he didn't figure out who I was just yet.

" Your phone reminds me of someone. Thank you by the way."

"He is non verbal."

I nodded and I went to work. It was a long day. I went home to find Richard had been released. I put a fresh uniform on. I sat in my office. He found me.

"They said I might have a room mate but I don't know how I feel about that. What are you doing in here this is off limits."

I felt like I couldn't even be me in my own house. I went to my room and got out my guitar. I started to play. I wonder if he knows that I tried talking to him. When it was just us in the room.

I threw the hat onto the floor. I took my uniform off and was just wearing shorts. I didn't know I was being watched. I went back to playing guitar.

"I never got your name. You play good rhythm. You remind me of someone. I thought I heard him talking but that is impossible he is gone."

That's it the thought of me being dead when all I did was go bungee jumping against my will. This is enough. I had it. I walked passed him got into my SUV and got the bungee cord. I texted Oliver and Till. I hated to do this.

I took Richard and tied him up enough he could walk. I took him to the passenger side of the SUV. I got in and drove him to the same place I was tossed over and I secured the bungee. Richard looked at me. I kicked him over the edge.

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