Ethan's POV

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Two days later and it was the day we went to the party. Me and Noah left early because we wanted to see Nick and Mason. Noah waited for me and I was getting my keys and my phone. I finally went downstairs and told him

"I'm ready let's go Noah ".

He smiled and nodded as he held my hand. We walked outside the door and I locked the door as we walked to the bus. We held hands all the way and we finally arrived at the bus station and paid. Me and Noah sat there and he suddenly touched my thigh and smiled. I smiled back and kissed him. He kissed back and put his head against my shoulder.

Once we got there we saw Nick and Mason standing there waiting for us. We got off the bus and Noah said," Hey guys ". I waved and the bus left. It was about 8 pm and you can hear the music it was really loud. We walked in and there was so many people dancing and me and Noah went to go get a drink but I saw Luke kissing another boy and I got so mad I went up to him as Noah was trying to hold me back.

I said angrily," So you leave me just to fuck around again ". He ignored me but i wanted to punch him so hard but Noah gripped my arm. I looked at him and we walked back outside. I told him," I'm sorry for letting you get involved with this ". He kissed me deeply and said," no don't say that Ethan ". I pulled him to me and said," Lets just go we can have much fun over there ". He nodded and hugged me tightly. I smiled and said," your so cute ". He blushed and held my hand as we went back to the bus station.
        We walked and got onto the bus. He suddenly leaned down and started to bit my pants zipper. I blushed and looked around and no one was on the bus. I pull him up and whispered in his ear and said," not now baby boy until we get home ". He nodded and giggled. I smiled and it was about 12 minutes and we finally got off the bus and we walked home. While walking home I saw a truck that was mashed together but I didn't mind it at all. I kept walking and I saw how impatient Noah was to get home. I told Noah to go wait by the door and wait but I just went to Luke's front door but I walked off as I saw Luke right there. I looked at him and walked off. I got back to Noah and I bit his ear and said," so cute ". He groaned softly and we finally arrived at my house as I unlocked the door. When we both got inside I pinned him against the door and rubbed against him as he groaned even more. I gripped his waist and I saw him go crazy for more. His face expression was even cuter than more. His groans turned me on more and he was the only person that was on my mind. His body was shaking just from the excitement.
         I pull up his shirt and kissed his stomach and to his neck. He was burning up just from my touch. He groaned louder and I wrapped my hand around his throat as he looked at me sexually. God I was aroused so much I wanted to break him. I held his hand and went upstairs and I opened my door and pushed him onto the bed as he laid there. I smirked as I said," good boy~ ". He crawled to me and I took off his clothes.
      We had fun for about 4 hours, and I could tell he was so tired. He laid there and groaned so much and I smiled as I laid by him. He crawled up to my chest and was breathing a little hard and he suddenly fell asleep. He was so cute I could resist him anymore. My phone buzzed and it was from Shane's mom

1:45 am: hey Ethan my dear Shane got into a accident and I was wondering if you could check the house and lock all the doors for us please thank you.

I read it and I slowly slide Noah off my chest and I got up to put on my shirt and shortcut. I walked downstairs and went down the neighborhood and went to Shane's house and went inside to lock every door. I was really worried about Shane and i think I'll visit him soon. I finally was done and locked the front door. I went back to my house and it was a little cold but I made it back. I went back upstairs and saw Noah still sleeping. I smiled and laid back down by him and slowly fell asleep by him.

°Note from Author°
Hello dearies I'm glad your keeping up with our book and I'm so happy to be here with everyone. Thank you so much!
Miss Ishida~

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