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aussiechan: did you see what changbin commented on jeongins photo jskdk

leefelix: ..yeah

aussiechan: he thinks ur cute!!!!!

leefelix: and i care why?

aussiechan: you haven't texted him yet have you

leefelix: ..no, but ive been busy at work

aussiechan: excuses excuses
aussiechan: but do you think he's hot ;))

leefelix: sure he's attractive buttttt
leefelix: idk him so

aussiechan: that's why i said text him lix
aussiechan: im not gonna answer until you text him

leefelix: why are you being so persistent about this?
leefelix: hello??
leefelix: are you serious?
leefelix: fine i'll talk to the damn boy

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