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dcrkchangbin: hey so..

leefelix: ??

dcrkchangbin: im sorry for being an ass
dcrkchangbin: im not good at talking to new people

leefelix: i can tell
leefelix: but it's okay i guess. i shouldn't be too quick to judge

dcrkchangbin: nah i was a dick, i promise you that im not

leefelix: we'll see about that lol

dcrkchangbin: iM offended

leefelix: you and chan both
leefelix: also, how do you know chan?

dcrkchangbin: we're.. old friends

leefelix: no shit, i mean like how did youmeet him

dcrkchangbin: honestly?

leefelix: duh

dcrkchangbin: well.. we met on a dating app. we went on one date and it went fine, but we didn't like each other in that way so we decided to be friends. and here we are now.

leefelix: oH so you're him huh? he's told me about you
leefelix: and also
leefelix: you're gay?

dcrkchangbin: i thought that was pretty obvious

leefelix: hm okay

dcrkchangbin: now you don't want to talk to me right?
dcrkchangbin: this always happens

leefelix: no??
leefelix: im bi so i dont really care what you are. as long as you're human and nice we can be friends

dcrkchangbin: but what if i am an alien

leefelix: then i hope to god you won't probe me because this convo is going surprisingly well

dcrkchangbin: ;) coming

leefelix: ksjsjsj

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