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dusk was falling rapidly as felix paced down the street to changbins house. he had texted him only a few minutes ago to find his address, which wasn't that far. felix forgot his jacket at home, not focusing on that but rather changbin's situation. he wanted to be there to comfort him, even if it meant he had to suffer in this rain.

finally, felix arrived at the address. knocking softly, he patiently waiting on the patio for somebody to respond. the door soon opened and revealed changbin, wearing an oversized shirt that made him look adorable and some pajama bottoms.

changbin also noticed felix too. his hair was soaked, as was his entire body. realizing, he quickly pulled felix inside and closed the door. felix stood on the mat as he was dripping wet, "you couldn't bother to bring a jacket?" changbin asked. felix have a small smile in return, "i forgot." changbin sighed, "follow me." he instructed, and went upstairs to his room.

walking inside, he grabbed whatever clothes he could find in his drawer and threw them to felix when he entered after him. "oh, uh, thanks." felix thanked and walked into the bathroom that was inside the room.

meanwhile, changbin laid on his bed and played on his phone, scrolling through various social media. he found everything boring these days, he really didn't care what other people were doing, which was kinda hypocritical as he posted as much as everyone else. changbin was then distracted from his scrolling when felix's head popped out and asked, "bin, do you have a hoodie?" changbin sat up, "why?" he questioned. "because im cold and i like hoodies." felix replied dully, and changbin stood to grab a hoodie from one of the hooks. once again, he threw it to felix and he gave a small thanks.

soon felix walked out and changbins eyes immediately went onto him. the oversized sweatshirt on his small figure was adorable to say the least.

"you're staring." felix claimed as he walked over to the bed. "i, uh, sorry." changbin apologized and felix gave a small giggle. he laid back on the bed and made a soft sigh. following him, felix also laid back and turned his head. "what're you thinking about?" he asked intrusively. changbin's eyes scanned felix's, then panning down to his lips.

"how much i want to kiss you right now."

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