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dcrkchangbin: delete it

leefelix: delete what?

dcrkchangbin: im going to slap you

leefelix: should've done it when you had the chance :p but im not deleting the pic

dcrkchangbin: whyy it's ruining my 'dark' image

leefelix: um that image was broken long ago so

dcrkchangbin: next time we hang im actually going to punch you

leefelix: awe so you do wanna hang again :)) I thought after i spilled that coffee on you, you'd never talk to me again

dcrkchangbin: i was considering it but then i thought about how boring your life would be without me

leefelix: im going to take that as a compliment because you were thinking about me uwu

dcrkchangbin: uwu? leave

leefelix: no

dcrkchangbin: then i will

leefelix: noo

dcrkchangbin: then d e l e t e

leefelix: but you look cute >:(

dcrkchangbin: no you do
dcrkchangbin:  i mean no i don't sorry autocorrect lol

leefelix: sure binnie
leefelix: and thanks, only for you ;)

dcrkchangbin: what?

leefelix: what?

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