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[ CAUTION: HINTS OF SMUT, BUT NOT ACTUALLY ANY!! (i don't want y'all to accuse me of sexualizing them but this is apart of the story) ]

an hour after arriving at changbin's house, the two were now cuddled up on the couch watching some movie they didn't real care about to be honest. felixs head laid on changbin's chest, and he could hear his heartbeat that was slow and calm. changbin has his arm around felix side, as if protecting him from falling off the couch. it was rare that they had a moment like this, there's no doubt changbin had a tough exterior. he wasn't one for pda (public display of affection), which was the total opposite of felix. felix thought about how different they were, but that just made him love changbin more. though he could be tough at times, it seemed he had a soft spot for felix and he was thankful for that.

if you told felix of five months ago that he would dating the changbin he thought he knew, he probably would have bursted out laughing. honestly, felix was so thankful chan tagged him in that picture.

felix smiles to himself after thinking, and took his phone out. he tapped on chans contact, ready to text him.

leefelix: hey chan

aussiechan: hey, what's up?

leefelix: nothing, i've just been thinking.. thank you for pushing me to talk to changbin. seriously. i always wondered why you wanted me to talk to him so badly but, now i get it.
leefelix: also thank you for not dating him or i wouldn't have the wonderful boyfriend i have today lol

aussiechan: sksjksjs that was ugh
aussiechan: and he isn't my type anyway lmao

leefelix: what is your type then? 🧐

aussiechan: .. no one

leefelix: is it someone wE KNOW?

aussiechan: psh
aussiechan: maybe

leefelix: OMG WHO

aussiechan: im joking
aussiechan: now go spend time with your boyfriend

leefelix: mhmm. okay bye~

felix sighed and lightly tossed his phone on the floor, turning to face changbin. surprisingly, his eyes were open and he gave a mischievous smirk. felix realized that he probably was looking over his shoulder while he was texting chan. from that, his face turned pink because of the cheesy text.

"'i always wondered why you wanted me to talk to him so badly but, now i get it.'" changbin mimicked, quoting felixs earlier texts.

"shut up!!! i hate you." he responded, shoving changbin away in embarrassment. rapidly, felix was pulled under changbin. it happened so quickly that he couldn't even comprehend the situation. changbin leant his head down near felixs ear and said, "i thought i was a wonderful boyfriend?" even if the words weren't so sensual, his husky voice was hoarse and seductive almost making felix think he heard something else. felix bit his lip, this was the first time him and changbin would even kiss, at least if he didn't wimp out of it again. he really did want to kiss changbin, and maybe do a little more.

but, as if on cue, changbin's main door was opened. with both boys frozen, they slowly turned their heads to see minho- and jisung standing with wide eyes. changbin immediately moved away from felix and sat criss cross on the couch, the awkward silence was in the room. felix sat up too, cursing at the two in their head for interrupting.

"so, i, uh, think we're gonna go.." minho stated and jisung agreed.

"no! stay! it's fine, we were watching a movie anyway." changbin insisted and glanced at felix, who gave an annoyed fake smile while crossing his arms.

"movie huh?" minho raised his eyebrow, also glancing at felix. "alright." he agreed and sat on the couch in between changbin and felix, who had to move all the way to the right for the other two to sit. changbin grabbed the remote and played the paused movie.

near the end, everyone was asleep except jisung and felix. as felix was going to get up, jisung grabbed him to sit back down. he gave him a questioning look and jisung said, "so, you and changbin eh?" felix snickered, mumbling pervert under his voice, though loud enough for jisung to here. "i am not! i'm just saying.. i knew it would happen. also, i'm sorry for interrupting."

felix sighed, laying back. "it's okay. nothing was going to happen anyway." jisung tilted his head and felix explained, "remember when i told you about him giving me mixed signals? well, ever since we've gotten together, we haven't kissed, not even once. it's not that important, but i feel that.. i don't know. am i asking for too much?" he asked.

"of course not! honestly, i think he's just scared. if i hear correctly, he's not used to affection and feelings and all that stuff. i know you want him to initiate everything, but maybe you should give it a try?" jisung encouraged and felix smiled, his words comforted him.

"thanks, jisung. did, uh, chan tell you the stuff about him?" felix asked.

"..yeah." jisung responded, chuckling a bit.

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