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eventually, jisung fell asleep, which left felix by himself. he decided to unmute the tv and watch the rest of the random movie that played. so, slowly he stood and went to the table where the remote was located, grabbing it quickly. as he sat back down and turned the volume up, muffled groans came from the other side of the couch and felix noticed someone sitting up. immediately he knew it was changbin, mostly because of his messy dark hair.

"why are you up?" felix asked quietly, afraid to wake the others. changbin, rubbing his eyes, stood up. "why are you up?" he asked, and then walked into his bedroom. felix figured he'd go too, after putting the blankets on the other males who were sleeping on the couch.

he soon walked into the room, where changbin laid ontop of the blankets with his arm covering his eyes. felix basically jumped onto him, causing changbin to grunt at the sudden change of weight. "you're so heavy!" he complained, teasing felix. "excuse me! i only weigh 55 kg." he whined, causing changbin to chuckle. changbin straddled felix on his lap, smirking. felix leant his head down and cupped his face, pressing his lips onto changbin's. for a moment he was shocked and didn't respond, but then as he felt felix about to pull away, he pulled his face back onto his.

the kiss was sweet and meaningful, and felt like it lasted for years, but it was only seconds that they pulled away. when felix sat up, his stomach filled with butterflies, which was cheesy, but that's how it felt to him. he couldn't believe that changbin didn't stop him, which he was happy about.

"i-i thought you didn't want to kiss me.." felix admitted as he laid down next to changbin. he scoffed, "didn't want to kiss you? of course, i just.. wasn't sure if you wanted me to. you said you were still upset with me." he said, turning on his side to face felix. "seriously, changbin? that was like, a month ago. we're together, which means you can kiss me whenever you want." he stated and pecked changbins nose.

"gross." changbin revolted and, opposite of what he said, brung felix into his arms. he giggled and whispered 'i love you' into changbin's ear. this is how felix always wanted it to be


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