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changbin waited in the uncomfortable airport chair, waiting for felix's plane to arrive. fifteen minutes ago, he texted changbin saying that the plane would land soon. changbin bit his lip nervously and looked around, seeing if the exit was full of people. it wasn't, which made him even more anxious. he flipped his hair and laid back in the seat, figuring he'd be there waiting for awhile.

he almost practically fell asleep when his phone vibrated in his pocket. slightly jumping, he took it out and unlocked it, seeing it was a message from felix. it read 'sorry, there was turbulence. i'm getting off now.' changbin immediately stood up and looked at the exit again, now seeing people come out. he waited, anticipating felix to come out any second, and he did.

felix came out wearing oversized grey sweatpants and changbin's hoodie that he hadn't returned (from the night that happened.) felix spotted changbin standing and, with his rolling luggage, ran to him. changbin was immediately emerged into a hug.

"long time so see huh?" changbin asked, chuckling a bit. he could feel felix smile against his chest, as he did too. finally felix let go and they began to walk to changbin's car, "so, what are the plans for today?" he asked. changbin thought for a second, then responded, "uh, i just wanted to be.. together." felix giggled and grabbed onto his arm, "awe cute!! alright, let's go to your place then." changbin rolled his eyes and sighed, giving an 'okay.' they both got in the car and changbin drove off.

hey guys sorry for this but i wanted to show you some fanart of felix i did!!

hey guys sorry for this but i wanted to show you some fanart of felix i did!!

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it's not the best but i tried so !!!!! hope u like it. also yes i'm updating a lot today because i really like writing this story ok bye~

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