My little baby

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And about Jaebum and Jinyoung...After that first hug they shared, JB was now clinging on the younger whenever he got the chance. And Jinyoung couldn't complain. He just didn't build the courage to make the first move until that one day.

One sunny, warm wednesday they had a shooting scheduled. The weather was beautiful but somehow Jaebum didn't feel that way. It was all because the shooting team hadn't arrived yet and the members had been waiting for them for more than an hour. Jaebum was swearing over the goddamn camerman and looked like he was going to put him in the Death note. He made the whole team slightly nervous, except Jinyoung who was leaning on the wall of a white house, book in his hand. The street they were going to shoot on was very pretty. It was quite narrow and colourful climbing plants were spreading over the walls of small white houses. Everything was quiet and if you looked up, your view wasn't cut-off by tall skyscrapers. Instead, a neverending blueness of the sky with only white airplane traces and wiring which made the whole atmosphere even more romantic. There was no people in the street except one old man dressed tastefully in vintage clothes with thin round glasses pushed far up his nose so that when he removed them to rub his eyes, red marks showed on his nosebridge. He was sitting on the wooden stairs in front of his small, stuffed bookshop which looked really old. He didn't seem to give a damn about the world around him and the boys standing nearby. In one hand he was holding a cigarette and every once in a while he would bring it to his mouth and enjoy every inhale of the smoke. But Jaebum was too busy being angry to notice that. He was sweating and kicking an innocent stone on the ground. Jinyoung felt the tension building around him and he teared his look off the book. He found it interesting to secretly observe the happening around him. Bambam went to ask the old bookshop man something and then sat beside him as they developed a light conversation. Youngjae and Yugyeom were both sitting on the ground with their heads leaning on the wall, sunbathing in the morning sun rays and Mark was showing something funny with his fingers to Jackson. This was a rare moment when Jinyoung saw the whole team hanging with each other without being on their phones. A warm feeling spread through his heart at the view. He really wanted to show all this beauty to Jaebum. He wanted to show him how to enjoy little things like that. So he tugged the small book he had been reading into the side pocket of his trousers and slowly started walking towards the older boy. Jaebum was standing in the middle of the street, not knowing where to put himself. Although the sun was high, his body felt cold. Suddenly something warm spread from his back to his stomach and the warmness filled his body from head to toes. Beside his heart, he could feel another heart beating at his back. And it was very fast. The boy behind him then gently stroked JB's stomach and intertwined his hands right below his bellybutton. Jaebum knew which person was this without a second thought. Suddenly all worries disapeared and his legs started shaking because of all the feelings this boy behind him caused. Jinyoung intended to let go after a few seconds as he couldn't stand the pressure this move caused him. It was very stressful, not knowing how the other member would react. But he couldn't make himself let go. It was like his mind wanted something and his arm wanted the other thing. After one minute passed, his heart somehow calmed down and he started feeling comfortable in this position even though he still didn't dare to look at other members' reaction. They were probably pinching each other and giggling and he couldn't even think how this looked like to the old man...Two strong but gentle hands reached back to hold Jinyoung's arm and quickly pulled and spinned him and before he could process anything, he was standing in front of his leader. To be precise, the distance between them was twenty centimeters. Jaebum's hands were resting on Jinyoung's shoulders and he tilted his head sideways so the scene would be the same as when they first met, except Jaebum wasn't wearing an encouraging dad smile but a frobidden-hot smirk with a slightly lifted left eyebrow. "You know that you can't just touch your leader whenever you feel like doing it, right?" Jinyoung was shocked. And angry. So Jaebum can cling on him as he pleases but he can't share with him even the basic skinship like all members do?! was Jinyoung yelling in his head but kept quiet. He frowned and looked down at his feet. JB kept observing him. Suddenly, Jinyoung was being pulled even closer to his hyung and their chests were brushing against each other, and because Jinyoung was looking as far down as he could, his head was leaning against JB's muscular shoulder. "Aw, is our Jinyoungie pouting?" teased Jaebum and chuckled. Jinyoung couldn't be angry anymore as he kept thinking what kind of sexy perfume did Jaebum use today to smell so fucking good. And he just wanted to be held in his strong, protective arms and feel safe. The leader's finger reached up and poked the younger's soft cheeks. Jinyoung could hear him mumble to himself: "Squishy". "Jinyoung-aaah, don't be mad at me. You know I'm just joking. You can hold me whenever you like." This time, Jaebum was pouting and as Jinyoung had never seen him act cute before, he thought it was the cutest thing in the world and his own pout transformed into a small smile. "That's right my little baby" Jaebum started laughing and drew him into a bear hug in which Jinyoung melted like an ice cube in one's mouth. And not only the hug was the reason. Three words echoed in his head for the rest of the day: my little baby.


Hello! I hope you find this chapter interesting, I don't really know why is the beginning so poetic, I just felt like it haha.

Next part coming soon!!

Have a beautiful day fam ;)

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