Two kids in a playground

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It said: Go talk to our poor Jinyoungie rn you fucker or prepare for some beating from all members tonight. Jaebum looked at Yugyeom who only glared at him and said: "You don't have to tell me you're older because right now I don't give a shit" and rushed away (a little faster than usual).

Jaebum started to reflect on his actions and realised he'd really been a jerk. How would he feel if his crush acted like this, was he asking himself. His mind replied: It's not like it's only him who has a crush though, and Jaebum blushed. Shut up, he told himself and went to find Jinyoung. He found him when the younger just came from the toilet. Immediately he grabbed his hand and dragged him to a quieter part of the hall. Before he could say anytihing, Jinyoung interrupted:" Don't mention it, it's okay" in a very reassuring voice which Jaebum really wanted to believe but he knew he owe him an apology. It was really hard to concentrate on what he wanted to say as Jinyoung had obviously washed his in the toilet and bangs of his black hair was wet and sticking on his face. Which made Jinyoung so irrestible. Jaebum let out a hiss of frustration, crossed arms behind his head and had to look away for a moment before he could properly look at this hot mess in front of him. "I don't know what you're worried about-" The leader stepped closer to Jinyoung so that their faces were about ten centimeters apartand carefully scanned his facehis face with cat-like eyes. Stop, you are so eager, probably more than Jinyoung himself, he thought but couldn't stop himself from smelling sweat from Jinyoung's neck. The other's eyes were glued on the floor but he could sure as hell feel Jaebum's warm breath on his lips and hoped his suspicion was right that it was also where his eyes were upon. What's happening, what game is he playing, he questioned. "You know, fans would-" he started but Jaebum interrupted again. "You fool. I'm sorry but at the moment I don't care about anyone but you." JB was half whispering, eyes not moving away from Jinyoung's lips. What the actual fuck, how can a person have such soft, fluffy lips it's driving me crazy was all Jaebum could think. And his cheeks, so chubby and cute especially when he smiles when he look like a small cute squirrel. Jinyoung didn't dare to move, standing by the wall, feeling the heat build in him while the other was staring at his face. He endured it untill Jaebum's hand lifted and trailed towards his cheek to poke it. That's when Jinyoung couldn't take it anymore. "Im Jaebum, you stop this right now! What are you doing?" He put his hand on Jaebum's chest (and almost melted into a spungy marshmallow when feeling this guy's chest muscles)and managed to gently push him away. "Can you tell me what's going on inside your head? You're acting so confusing and I can't figure you out." A slight disappointment flashed throung Jeabum's eyes but immediately transformed into lust and narrowed to give off a hot steamy look (no need to say it killed Jinyoung's insides). The leader then took a few steps backto lean on the opposite wall on the hall and crossed his arms. "Okay, I'll tell you but look me in the eyes when I talk." Jinyoung obediently lifted his head only to meet Jaebum's sexy stare. His eyes were so dark and misterious he could easily lost himself in them. Suddenly Jinyoung got an idea. He was tired of Jaebum playing around with his feelings and controlling the pace of his heart for nothing. He was planning to do something he had never dared before and it was screaming that it won't end good. Doesn't matter if he likes it or not, my only intention is to figure out his feelings, thought Jinyoung. Still, he couldn't deny his nervousness. He was never the kind of boy who would do something so risky. Before doubts could find a way to him and before the guy in front of him could open his mouth, Jinyoung's legs moved and in a split of a second he was standing in front of Jaebum. "Don't say anything" he hissed slowly, hoping to come of a little angry. His gaze trailed along older's sharp features and landed on his edible lips. Jaebum wanted to take a step back but figured he couldn't as he was already almost leaning on the wall. Black haired guy wanted to calm himself so his breathing became slow and deep, his eyes still on Jaebum's lips. "You know I only believe actions, not words" he half whispered in a slightly squeakier voice than he expected. To cover an embarrassing moment and blush on his cheeks, he took Jaebum's hand, stroked it and put it around his own vaist. When he let go of hand it stayed where he put it. He's probably too surprised to move his body, he thought. In the meantime, Jaebum's body heated up and blood was rushing in his vains so fast he could feel it. Maybe I'm gonna fall on the ground but at the moment the most important thing is Jinyoung touching me, thought JB. Fact that Jiyoung's eyes were fixed on his lips this whole time didn't make the situation any better for him. The younger's right hand found it's way on his back, which made his whole body shiver like experiencing an electric shock, and trailed up and down. Jinyoung's left hand in the meantime gently rested on JB's broad sholder. While caressing his crush's back Jinyoung felt all his courage float away like bubbles, laughing at him and not even saying goodbye. Panic started to grab him. Suddenly Jaebum's hand which was resting around Jinyoung, grabbed his vaist and pulled him into something we could call a hug except that his other hand landed on boy's neck. Jinyoung could feel Jaebums thumb stroke the back of his neck and his legs became weak. The two boys stared at each other. "Trying to be dominant makes you even cuter" chuckled Jaebum. His eyes reflected honest love for the boy in his hands and Jinyoung's doubts floated away. He knew. Jaebum was returning his feelings. They both loved each other. Hand, which was stroking Jinyoung's neck stopped and held it instead which sent chills down Jinyoung's back. It drew his head closer to Jaebum's while the other hand on his vaist slowly moved down to Jinyoung's biceps (the back of his thigh) and lifted his leg. Their heads were so close by now that their lips were brushing at each other. "Fuck Jinyoung" breathed Jaebum before placing his lips on Jinyoung's. The kiss was soft and short. They were both so flustered and Jinyoung realised that Jaebum's confident behaviour was just to mask his nervousness. When their lips parted, they were both blushing hard and after a quick eye contact looked away in embarrassment and bursted into a awkward laugh. Of course, they had no idea someone was watching them. "Aish, they look like some school kids in a playground. I'll have to lecture Jinyoung tonight" sighed Youngjae before turning around and leaving the two boys in love behind. "So you only take actions right, my little baby?" asked Jaebum before drawing Jinyoung into a warm bear hug.


Hello! Thank you so so so much for reading untill the end. I really worked hard to make this chapter the best. I was honestly thinking to end it right before they kiss but then remembered how much would I hate it and I went easy on you hehe.

I hope you enjoyed reding this small story of two innocent boys falling in love.

I'm already planning on writing another ff, but I struggle which ship should it be about. If you have any wishes you can let me know in the comments.

Have a great great day and remember, somebody in this world loves you with all heart<3

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