part 8- Another day pt.2

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I reach to Mr. Valdez's class where I usually hang with my friends.
We chat about hw and who is going to send what and make small talk with Mr. Valdez.

From the corner of my eye I see someone coming towards my group. It was Jungkook. He joined us and sat down right next to me.

Inner me: oof hello there 😏

I said hi and he answered back. Mr. Valdez talked about 'political stuff' so we are all used to ranting.
I rant most about my family and usually get misunderstood.

I sometimes feel like an outcast because of my lame opinions, but I get heard anyway. Jungkook was there more small support... and out of no where asks about my friend Emily.

Inner me: Holy F*** 🤤

I said "Yes what's up?"
He openly said "She isn't with anyone... right?"
I said "No."
He signed with relief. I look at him with a smirk and say "You want to ask her out?" He blushed and looked down and mumbled "Yeah"

I put my hand on his shoulder and say "What would you like me to do?"
I'm willing to do anything for a friend.

He smiled and says "Are you willing to give her my phone number?"
I reply with a yes.

Inner me: Emily your getting some girl 😏... jk 😂💖

I give him my phone so I can then forward the number. He smiles and thanks me. I smile back and say "Go get it tiger."

Inner me: Wow I'm lame 😣

He giggles and walks back to his group.
The rest are looking at me like I'm a holy spirit.

The bell for 3rd period rings and I rush to my next class.

I have World History now. The teacher, Ms. Kagen, is a strict woman, yet she is sweet in aspects and I'm used to that.

It's also SSR (Sustained Silent Reading) so I get to start homework early. Today it's another Section Review in the History book. I flip to the page and as it's silent I hear only my book pages and some whispers coming from the back.

SSR lasts around 20-30 min, then a bell rings intending for 3rd period to start.
Ms. Kagen already turned on the projector where the next journal is written.

I do it quick and then she asks for someone to explain. Her quote "The same five hands up as always." Becasue legit only me and a few others raise their hands.

After the journal we continue into the History lesson. We are currently learning about the USSR, WW1, WW2 and a bunch of information which I love to learn yet hate to hear the truth about.

Inner me: wtf people were f***ed back then 😡

It's heading towards the end of the period as everyone starts to pack. I put on my backpack, close my book and sit on my desk talking with a friend.

As the bell rang I bolt out and get to my locker passing a ton of 9, 10, 11 and 12 graders.

Inner me: it's that hard to get to a locker ☹

I got to my locker and put away my History book and took only my Chemistry book.

Rushing down stairs I head to my outdoor PE class. I get dressed and go to my friends Frances, Lori and Hazel/Skyla. We are in separate classes but the same period. They have Mr. Bak and I have Mr. Miura.

Inner me: oooff I don't want to run 7 laps.. plz 🙏

When he comes out everyone always hopes he comes out with a bag of footballs. Today is a lucky day as he did. I sit in my row. He takes attendance, then starts towards the field.

We do some pushups, curl-ups and run back-n-forth across the field.
Finally, he asks "Would you like to play?"
We all say "Yes"

We play for a good 20 mins. Then the bell rings again.
We all go to the locker room and wait for another coach to open the girls locker room.

I dress either fast or slow and rush out for now it's lunch and I need my food.

Inner me: FOOD I'M COMING 🤤😢😧

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